I wish Alleria would stop talking to me like we're friends

You complain that Tirion(who wasnt even Alliance/left the Alliance) is somehow an Alliance character, when his counterpart was also someone we work with(and he never left the Horde!). Then the very following expansion we had to work with Thrall/Vol’jin/Aggra. Then in MoP we ended up having to deal with Vol’jin rebellion then the proceeding expansion we had to work with Thrall(again) and he got the kill on Garrosh.

Yes Legion could arguably be Alliance heavy but the again we had both Highmountain and Nightborne end up being Horde content(retroactively making all of it Horde content).

BfA was BfA, we had content exclusive to one or the other faction while at the same time the culmination is all of us working together against Sylvanas/N’zoth.

Shadowlands certainly didnt have much in the way of faction content but Thrall had a decent amount of exposure with his mom as well being a leader. Then we all end up seeing Sylvanas get on the road to redemption/we had to work with HER!

Bottomline, the Alliance has had to work with the Horde plenty times.


Hey, now…you’re a Pandaren. You’re going to ‘kumbaya’ with the enemy, and LIKE it!

Me, on the other hand…

sees a Forsaken and nocks an arrow

I see you couldn’t refute my point, so I’ll take my win and leave. Cheers.

That people can still get so worked up over the story… I mean, no offense, but you still have the energy to get upset about the story in this game after WoD, BfA, Shadowlands, and Dragonflight?

If we’re being objective, even TBC was pure nonsense when you look at the story. It’s just not WoW’s strong suit. After nearly 20 years, maybe it’s time to accept that or find another game. :sweat_smile:

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I never bought into the faction whizzing contests anyways. I like and respect all good folk in Azeroth. Things like cross fac need to open up more. The potion was a godsend.

But don’t worry, artificial conflict for the sake of pvp, poorly written I might add, will always be shoehorned in. You’ll always have that. In lore and in pvp stuff in game. Theres room for all of us in the game, peace lovers and violent savages :o

But as to your point of lore characters being disingenuous, its kinda always been a problem, since they have to cater to 2 sides at once. Though, they tended to just have a couple characters swapped out, but saying and doing pretty much the same thing.

Ive been a fan of hers since WC2: Beyond the dark Portal… “Do that again and you’ll pull back a stump!” haha…All custom maps i would make had her to find. 1996 me would have been so happy to be able to run around with her like we do in wow.

Like her or don’t. I don’t like that when I’m playing my Horde character she’s the one running that character through stuff. This is one thing I miss about BFA. Each faction had their own people and their own story. Even if the Horde story was meant to make the Horde player hate his or her faction.


Turalyon was always my guy personally.

She and I aren’t friends, but we’re friendly acquaintances. We have a lot in common.

Whos Alleria?

Horde vs Alliance is a pillar you can’t tear down.

Blizzard is stuck with it no matter how many curtains they try to hide it behind.

Any criticism of them botching it or not giving it any meaning with a lack of logical tension is 100% justified when the faction conflict use to mean something to players.


This is the main reason why I never let it go.
No matter how badly they apparently want us to forget, the faction conflict meant a lot to people and was an important part of the narrative. Many people came to this game FOR that narrative and it’s wildly unfair to pull that rug out from under them. They found a game that appealed to their interests and now it’s being taken away from them because others wanted it to be something else.

We can’t

because it’s the reason we’re here in the first place!


Like I said in the other topic, making the player character the chosen one was a mistake.


I agree. It’s always funny how people have this idea that it’s either “chosen one” or “faceless nobody” and will go off on you saying: “But I did [insert achievement here] people should respect me!”
Like yeah you’re right the player character’s actions deserve merit. But that doesn’t mean you should be put in charge of an entire military campaign just for showing up. When they announced Garrisons for WoD I thought it would be a Agmar’s Hammer type deal where I’m in charge of the war effort in the region but I still answer to a higher authority. I was so damn confused when they put me in charge of the ENTIRE Draenor campaign. I was thinking: “I have zero leadership experience, I just hit things good. Shouldn’t someone with actual education and experience be in such a critical position? And if I’m the one and only commander then who are these hundreds of other people also being called ‘commander’?” Also everyone still tells you what to do anyways as if I’m still just a normal adventurer just with more brown nosing than before.

Why can no one conceive of a middle ground where you’re a highly respected hero but not the ONLY respected hero. Which is what this thread is all about. Am I seriously the only hero in all of Azeroth? Surely there’s SOMEONE more suited for this task right?



That’s what I’ve been saying!! Thankyou!


Agree, :100:. This is honestly why I just blast my way to level cap; I can’t stand the uncreative, lazy story.


Lame, smh. :face_with_diagonal_mouth:


I really wished that folks who made statements like these actually took the time to think critically of what it is that they are saying. Since the player character, even when siding with Sylvanas as a loyalist, never did anything even remotely akin to the atrocities and war crimes that people keep fantasising about doing.

No, our PCs has NEVER been (in-universe) genocidal war crime maniacs. It is slightly different in-game since WoW is a MMO that focuses first and foremost about gameplay and thus’ storytelling doesn’t need to be consistent. We don’t need to consider the moral implications of Plants vs. Zombies and never had to.

It is specifically because of our reputations that makes our player characters reliable and trustworthy. If you wanna fantasize about becoming a war criminal then sure, do so. You can roleplay that.
The actual quests that exist in the game, and in-universe storytelling, is going to focus on what average person want and enjoy. If you want to be an edgelord in the back of a tavern, then go and be that. But just because you want to be that doesn’t suddenly and magically make the rest of the world (whether all of it or just in-universe) make that the norm. Our characters are trustworthy because of our actions, not in spite of 'em.

Either hop on your forum main (a male human paladin) or learn a bit about strategy and politics. The story, in this regard and most other aspects that folks like yourself commonly complain about, makes sense. You not understanding something doesn’t magically make it incomprehensible to players in general.

Fine I’ll take your challenge. I’m posting on the panda because I’ll be maining her in TWW. I think she’s the most adorable bad guy beater and Alliance butcher I’ve ever leveled.

Close, I’m actually a zugbrain. It’s like a male human paladin but better because I’m Horde. :stuck_out_tongue:

Lmao are you kidding me? How many times have we burst into a murloc village and indiscriminately killed everything that moved? How many times have we gone on one of those bombing run quests over civilian settlements and firebombed everyone living there?
I guess in your worldview it doesn’t count as a war crime if they aren’t a pretty race like Night Elves? I was never sold on the Teldrassil guilt trip because slaughtering entire civilizations’ worth of thinking feeling people is kind of our character’s day job.
Also unlike the earlier examples: There is no possibility of civilian casualties when you blow up Telogrus Rift because the Void Elves aren’t civilians, they’re Horde felons being harbored by the Alliance. They worked with dangerous magic they didn’t understand that was a direct threat to the Sunwell’s integrity yet were still given the mercy of exile then chose to defect and make war on their home.

Our reputation also includes being fiercely loyal to our respective faction and its interests. That’s why you can’t run off and join the Legion or the Iron Horde. You are only allowed to deal with factions your people consider allies.

Ceding huge amounts of highly defensible territory to your greatest rival for nothing in return is not “strategic” by anyone’s definition. Gifting territory to allies like the tauren did with the orcs is one thing, but the Alliance helping the Horde retake Lordaeron was madness on their part.

The whole reason Thrall caved to Cairne’s petitioning to let the Forsaken into the Horde in the first place was because they held Lordaeron City which Thrall wanted to use to project Horde influence from and keep Stormwind and Ironforge in check. When the Horde lost Lordaeron and then later Ar’gorok the Alliance gained total dominance over the Eastern Kingdoms with Silvermoon being the only remaining bastion of Horde influence tucked away in the corner of the continent. The Alliance was effectively ruling the world by the end of the Fourth War since the Horde was trapped. They had no launching point for an invasion of the Eastern Kingdoms aside from Quel’thalas which could be easily choked but if the Alliance wanted to invade Kalimdor from Hyjal there was nowhere the Horde was in a position to retaliate back from and the Horde would be forced onto the defensive.
The Alliance for the first time since the end of the Second War was safe from potential Horde aggression and they gave that up when they let the Forsaken move back into Lordaeron without a fight because now the Horde had territory in the Eastern Kingdoms to project its influence from again.

Meanwhile, why on Azeroth would the Horde help the Alliance retake Gilneas? I get not intervening to preserve the armistice but your two greatest rivals were killing each other for you! Not only that but now the Alliance has a rallying point right in the Forsaken’s backyard. Helping the Alliance retake Gilneas is like helping someone put a gun to your head. Now if the Alliance ever decides they regret not putting up more of a fight over Lordaeron they have a perfect place to launch an invasion from to rectify their mistake.


But what about muh WaRcRaFt? It’s just Peacecraft now!

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