I wish Alleria would stop talking to me like we're friends

The leader of a rebellion against a tyrant didn’t have time to take a shower because of the fact he was leading a rebellion, and one of his warriors (not Vol’jin himself) made a crack about Theramore.

These are very good reasons to be mad at him, I wholly and 100% agree.

Windrunners are annoying. They are the same person just different tropes. We got the dead goth that sleeps with a human, the normie traitor that sleeps with a human, the alive goth that sleeps with a human. Did i mention they all use bows? It’s lame.


How are either examples comparable to Blizzard barely remembering the Horde exists?


He doesn’t shower because he’s a savage, not because he was in a rebellion.

You give trolls far too much credit.


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The race of cannibals living in huts aren’t savages?

That’s news to Me. :rofl:

Darkspear weren’t cannibals, and calling an indigenous group savages is pretty on the nose there, Custer.


Trolls are trolls, they represent nothing from real life.

Millennials and making videogames about irl politics, name a more iconic duo. :laughing:

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I’m not a millennial. You are the one using racist terms.

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Talking about their race as a whole, this is pretty funny considering it ignores their massive stone fortresses, buildings and strongholds, their city of gold, massive temples, so on and so forth.


Actually, Blizzard is. :slight_smile:

Most of Azeroth’s savage trolls

h ttps://warcraft.wiki.gg/wiki/Underdev/Echo_Isles

So trolls are savages and when the Alliance complains that Vol’jin smells, it’s not because he’s in a rebellion, it’s because he’s a savage.

Not really that difficult to understand.

Agreed 100%. Stonetalon Mtns showed what Garrosh was capable of, he had honour and dignity.

Then it just stopped.

Uhm, you DO realize that most of their architecture is either based on the Titans or just straight up Titan left-overs that Trolls took over, yeah?

You are going too hard with the Daelin Proudmoore impersonation.

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The whole reason humans exist is because of the Titans.

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Except Humans actually built their own stuff, unlike Trolls who just took over an abandoned Titan facility.

Also, Chronicles III stated that the Jungle trolls are savages and that the Darkspears were bullied because they were not savage enough.

Yikes indeed. :rofl:

And Trolls built plenty of their own. They at least were native to Azeroth.

So you want to use something that isn’t settled canon? Go on Custer!

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h ttps://warcraft.wiki.gg/wiki/Drak%27Tharon_Keep#/media/File:Drak’Tharon_Keep_art.jpg

h ttps://warcraft.wiki.gg/wiki/Dazar%27alor#/media/File:Dazar’alor.jpg

h ttps://warcraft.wiki.gg/wiki/Zul%27Aman#/media/File:Zul’Aman_(image3).jpg

h ttps://warcraft.wiki.gg/wiki/Zul%27Gurub#/media/File:Zul_gurub_ss2.jpg

Nice Titan inspired architecture, or outright Titan left overs. If you’re referring to the Zandalari in specific, there’s no proof that the Titans built anything more then the Great Seal.


I think the only race that doesnt have titan origins is the trolls. (Not the elves though, theyre titan evolutions)

Maybe the pandaren too. I cant remember where they came from.

I don’t remember them saying Pandaren came from elsewhere so you could be right.

And I think there are only theories about Goblins.