I wish Alleria would stop talking to me like we're friends

I hate her and everything she represents in both a meta and a roleplay sense.
There’s something seriously wrong with the quest design since 90% of my questions throughout DF have been “Was I really the only person that could be bothered with this?”
I want to say they’re going out of their way to contrive reasons for players to be present for stuff but that would imply they’re trying. They just tell us this what we want to do and completely forget to give us an actual motive.
Like I don’t mind partnering up with Alliance characters when the situation is dire, but we don’t even know what’s actually going on yet. This was just a recon mission. Was there not a single Alliance hero Alleria could have taken along instead of someone who has a dozen good reasons to hide a ticking mana bomb in Telogrus Rift?
But honestly, this was nothing compared the pure insanity that was letting Alliance players help the Forsaken reclaim Lordaeron and Horde players help the Worgen reclaim Gilneas. These actions actively contradict our interests in a secure future by putting rival powers in positions of greater influence.

We don’t need to see everything on the same character. That’s what alts are for.


That seems like a strong reaction. I think she’s nice.


Honestly I’m kinda sick of Alleria too… Vareesa has more personality than her at this point


Well that goes for any character unfortunate enough to become plot relevant post-Legion.


This is true. At the very least you would think they would separate horde and alliance questing, but it is all homogenized anymore. Tww seems to follow that trend as well, working more as an alliance expansion perhaps a horde mage because dalaran, at least at the beginning.


I just write my own story bits for moments like that. That and it is pretty funny to imagine Rosenivy with an attitude like this


Right…still ticked Tyrande’s not dead… Alleria being all doom and gloom isn’t helping. They remove Tyrande’s head from her shoulders and I’ll forgive all the BS Blizz has thrown out lately… but I’m not really an elf fan of late all the same


I don’t like her either. She definitely messes with the voodoo!

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Y’all really just need to get over the Horde vs Alliance thing because it’s just done, bud. It’s over. Move on.


Now now, Alleria, they really don’t mean it. Come cry on my shoulder.


Amirdrassil lookin super flammable all of a sudden.

You’re right, that was just the censored PG version of my feelings about her. My true feelings can only be expressed through a multitude of expletives.


Yeah, yeah, you’re the edgiest boi, we get it.


This is honestly a good critique.


The World Soul Saga is peak Alliance-favoritism. Funny how Thrall’s not being shoehorned everywhere. Also funny how the Cult of Forgotten Shadow is nowhere to be seen with Xalatath at large. Now, even the Void belongs to the Alliance.


Not an Alegra fan at all.
(Sorry I saw her name autocorrected in another thread and wanted to use it.)

Actually now that I think about it… I don’t really like any of the current main elf characters. Thalyssra is okay I guess. I like Oculeth too but he’s not a main part of the story.


Alleria feels like she stepped over a line and now everyone is awkward around her, including herself. Hard to want to hang out with her when she is both Alliance and makes the room uncomfortable.


:grimacing: Hot-Take:

  • Honestly I think lumping a race that holds the powers of the void with utmost significance — Into the Alliance, was a bad play to begin with.

:person_shrugging: I mean the fact they had Lightforged Draenei and Void Elves play nice for the most-part from the get-go simply because they were both Alliance, seemed really out of character for the alignment of their powers too.


I don’t feel like they have ever been in the same room together, seems like a bomb waiting to happen.


I mean, having them cooperate isn’t too hard to believe. Having absolutely no friction between them is insane though. But no one in the Alliance can have any negative feelings towards each other because then that would reflect bad on Anduin and we all know Anduin can do no wrong.


Just started playing yesterday?