I wish Alleria would stop talking to me like we're friends

Yeah and they did. Because they circle around Org. Others were forced to express loyalty to the Horde to stick around. Either way, they don’t matter because it’s not like they’d provide some sort of in to her getting back into the Horde. The moment they did that they’d be marked as traitors.

But with the way Blizz writes anymore, they’ll pretend like nothing happened ever. Seems to be their thing.

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Id be more than alright with that.
Sylvanas is still one of my favourite characters and im routing for her come back XD

I get that, but I’m not a fan of just because time has passed all has been forgiven and forgotten. I liked Sylvanas. But they ruined her too much.

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That’s the problem many have with the Alliance though. It appears for the most part that the Alliance can’t have any admission of guilt or wrongdoing.

  • Heck, take ‘The Purge of Dalaran’ for instance: It was like one of the few things the Horde could actually grasp and Blizzard even managed to pull strings on that too, into making it further justifiable for the Alliance & more vilified for the Horde towards some ordeal of “Oh no, but aKcTchUaLLy — via the newly written Chronicles Volume 4.

Honestly from a lore perspective, it’s just exhaustingly looked as typical one-sided pandering now.


And those are just words. I honestly dont see any major faction conflict for the World Soul Saga. Heck Midnight is billed as a “unite the elven people” expansion.

So yeah, I think we will be relatively faction conflict free until at least World Souls end which is 2030.

The Horde choose the “morally gray/maybe even evil” faction. The Alliance was always the “good guy faction that sometimes makes mistakes/sometimes have bad actors”. Dont blame us when the story finally got to its inevitable conclusions.

Heck, it can even be shown in how it treats its more racist elements. The Horde was willing to tolerate Sylvanas/Garrosh’s genocidal crusades. The Alliance rejected Kul Tiras’ pleas to continue its war even though it meant it left the Alliance.

Garrosh’s true Horde idea was based on race, the bombing was based on military target and not genocide, and Sylvanas’ was based on power. And I don’t think the faction made up of mainly variables of humans can say much about racism. There’s not much diversity there. And Night Elves were heavily xenophobic. A lot of Warcraft has those elements in it.

Also the Horde did not tolerate either for long. That was the reason for the rebellions.


For the lack of any Horde content in the game for the last 6 years? No, we largely blame the Blizzard team.

But there’s definitely a good share of the blame to be leveled at the Alliance playerbase that was screaming for years about “Horde bias” when the game was anything less than 100% about the Alliance.


No we chose the “Trying to survive in a bigoted world that hates us.” faction. Then Metzen decided we needed to redo our entire origin story because he wanted to make Varian look good. Then Danuser did it again for… reasons?



The worst thing about the Alliance is its smug, self-righteous playerbase that paints Horde players with a broad brush that lives only in their minds.


Because you finally knew our pain.

Well that just makes them good roleplayers, even if they don’t realize it.


Actually, we were laughing at you back in MoP when the Alliance playerbase absolutely LOST ITS MIND because they had to turn in ONE quest to Vol’jin.

This after Horde players had endured multiple expansions dealing with Tirion, Brann, etc.

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Hey, leave Tirion out of this. He literally let himself get excommunicated and banished from Lordaeron just to save Eitrigg’s life. He’s one of the good humans.

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This, unironically; while I’ll not call Alliance players in general or even most of them this, there is a very loud group of Alliance players that go out of their way to be antagonistic towards Horde players.

This. Tirion has never directly or indirectly insulted or demeaned Horde players, in fact as the man himself says…

Race does not dictate honor, . While you remain on my farmstead, I ask that you remember and respect this credo.
I have known orcs who have been as honorable the most noble of knights and humans who have been as vile as the most ruthless of Scourge.
But I shall not bore you with tales of my youth! There is much work to be done - if that is what you desire.


I do feel many horde players want to have their cake and eat it too.

They want the horde to not be an evil messed up faction, but one of underdogs trying to survive.
Thats fair and i can get behind that.

But then when the horde stops doing evil messed up things, people complain its a huge disservice to the faction.

I know its hard when everyone has different opinions on what they want but it is kinda like… pick a lane XD


Tirion and Brann have always been Neutral characters, unlike Vol’jin who was a major Horde leader of the Darkspears who helped besiege Theramore.

Alliance players were rightfully angry at Vol’jin because he smelled and one of his warriors made a cruel joke about Theramore.

That’d be a shame for the PvPers among us.

But as long as they don’t turn it into some magical friendship stuff, I’m fine

Some people do this. It’s not everyone. The ones that want the first option rarely want the second. But there are also Alliance players that mistaken faction differences with all out war.

This will never happen in a huge fandom. But Blizz should try to bring things in line with how the Horde was when we joined.


Last I check we had to deal with Etrigg(Tirion’s counterpart) and Saurfang. Anyway its always fun when the shoe is on the Horde’s foot.

I’m intrigued. When did Alliance players deal with Eitrigg?

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He was there in ZulDrak. Helping the Crusade. Heck we had his son helping us in our Garrison.