I wish Alleria would stop talking to me like we're friends

Not anymore, unless they bring her back and somehow she rejoins. But I don’t think she should. I think there is too much damage and there should be some consequences for bad actions. It should not be easily forgotten nor forgiven.

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Quote where I said that.

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No, i didn’t :call_me_hand:t5:


Right here?

Is this a joke? :man_facepalming:

None of that says she is neutral. Again, you can’t read.

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I like this logic that Alleria taking a job from neutral Khadgar is enough for her to no longer count as Alliance, but Horde and Alliance players should exclusively take jobs from neutral NPCs, and somehow retain their Horde and Alliance status.

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If she isn’t Horde anymore, what is she? Alliance? :clown_face:

Again, her status is unknown. If you did the SL end quests, and the BFA quests, you’d know that.

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They’re both playable NPC’s on the same team in Beyond the Dark Portal. It’s where both characters made their first appearance (along with Danath, Turalyon, and Kurdran, for the Alliance, plus Deathwing, Bladefist, Hellscream, and others for the Horde).

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Is she technically a member of the horde? No.

But her character is a horde one. Her stories are horde stories. And in shadowlands and dragonflight she makes it pretty clear she still cares for the horde, the forsaken, and wishes to return one day.

She had a funny moment for like 2 patches but she spent years and years on the horde, and went straight back to being pro horde.

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Sylvanas was in Dragonflight?

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She cares for her loyalists but says nothing about returning to the Horde. She doesn’t even seem to know that the loyalists were rounded up and arrested for their involvement.

She murdered Saurfang and left. After saying the Horde is nothing. The loyalist quest doesn’t really make up for that. Nothing probably will.

Doesn’t matter if part of her history was with the Alliance and with the Horde. She’s in neither now.

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When she says things like this post bfa, i just find it hard to see her as anything other than a horde character.

“Stand proud in the Horde. Know that you all of you were so much more than arrows in my quiver.
As much as the family I was born into, you will always be my people. And one day, I do hope yo walk among you once again.”


“We shared common cause once, and you have proven your dedication to the Horde time and again. I hope that you will continue to defend it, no matter what may come.”


Undead heritage armor questline

That’s the part I’m talking about where she doesn’t seem to know they were rounded up and arrested. Loyalists were kicked out in canon. They just can’t kick out players that sided with her.

This doesn’t say anything about returning to the Horde. The most she says is that she hopes to walk amongst them again. But keep in mind, she only says this to her loyalists.

Regular Horde players do not get any of this message from her. She’s only meaning that she wants to be with her loyalists again.

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She knows.
She says at the end of the loyalist questline that shes glad you made it out without getting caught.

I dunno, to me it reads pretty clearly that she wants to be back living with the forsaken.

But either way, i still count her as horde. And when she returns, i anticipate her story to be one with her back with them.

They got caught. There is still dialog about them getting caught. And they walk around Org in chains.

If that were true then she would have said that to all Forsaken. Not just the ones that sided with her.

We’ll see how they handle her story. I think they damaged it too much. You can’t just murder one of the Horde leaders, lead the faction to genocide and just come back like nothing happened.

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What are you going to do? It’s the same thing that’s happening with Jaina and Sylvanas, characters that have caused so much scandal and conflict in Azeroth, only to end up there as if nothing had happened.

The female lead role in WoW isn’t bad, but it seems that Blizzard has taken it too far to be seen as the cringe MSheU from Disney that they were so annoyed with until Ryan Reynolds changed that aspect again in Deadpool & Wolverine.

We still have Faerin Lothar, we don’t know if she’ll be on the list of another Sylvanas monologuing over the corpse of an icon of the Warcraft RTS as happened with Arthas in Shadowlands, or if they improved it to have the best female character they’ve ever made.

We’ll see what happens.

In the meantime, Alleria, we may have her as a villain, but another thing that worries me is that Queen Ansurek will be given a stupid redemption, and you know that she is the new Arthas in killing her daddy, or in this case her mama to have the power and obtain a dark power as a void lord, the same one that he used with scourge.

Blizzard, be careful, your expansion is excellent, don’t make the cringe that I’m seeing in sidequests and chain quests in Dragonflight, and that as I’m just starting level 70 and haven’t even left the first Dragon isle first zone.

Perhaps. But Turalyon’s words remain.

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What i mean is at the end of the loyalist campaign post orgrimmar, sylvanas says to the player

“Ah champion, i wasnt certain you made it out of orgrimmar. If the traitors knew of your service to me they’d have put you in irons… or worse.”