I wish Alleria would stop talking to me like we're friends

I hope it’s just as someone pvps you into the dirt.

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And Alliance players wonder why nobody wants to play with them.

To the point they had to BEG Blizzard on their hands and knees to add cross-faction to the game, so the Horde playerbase could rescue them.


The same dirt where Vol’jin and Cairne are?

Except that battleground is fairly faction agnostic. Its not really tied heavily to either faction and feels more like two Earthen going at each other and recruiting members from the factions.

Nah, I simply lose My patience when you people pretend that Alleria isn’t Neutral but Sylvanas is.

Either both are neutral for leaving their factions or none are.

You don’t get to have your cake and eat it too.

They aren’t buried in Silvermoon silly troll.

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Oh there are a lot of “silly trolls” buried beneath Silvermoon alright. :grin:

Sylvanas isn’t neutral. Her status is unknown atm.

Alleria however never left the Alliance.

It helps if you can read to know the lore.


Yeah Amani. There are also Alliance there. Including some Night Elves.

I guess I missed it where Alleria yelled “THE ALLIANCE IS NOTHING” and deserted them.

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It’s in his fan fiction.


Blizzard gave up on RPG element of the game long time ago and they are doing their best to kill the MMO portion as well by pivoting as hard as they can do solo/few-people content.

Expecting something better is just going to be dissapointment. The fact that the most variance you get in quest text or dialogues is </instert class name here> is pretty pathetic for a game like this.

You get extra dissillusioned if you played something like Baldur’s gate 3 last year and realized that every single dialogue is altered based on your class, subclass, gender, and past choices you made. Compare number of lines a massive rpg game like that has and how much work they put into it to have a unique dialogue in every line vs what we have… it is just sad


Blue Sylvanas never yelled “The Horde is nothing”, it was Red Sylvanas/Jailer-Dominated Sylvanas.

As a matter of fact, Blue Sylvanas states that she considers the Forsaken her people.

This is fake news narrative.

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a statue is a statue, its about as meaningful as narration telling me they are the bestest of friends. as far as I can recall, this is the first time they’ve spoken to each other in the history of world of warcraft. though the positive is they talked like semi-real people, which is something Blizzard is terrible at, instead of espousing monologues at each other and posing dramatically.

Though I find it funny that she talks to the player character like we have a long history, when she has barely interacted with us on any sort of level. I know full well, our involvement will be thorough scrubbed from the lore and replaced with a named NPC yet again anyways.


Every post of your’s is this.

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How can blizzard don’t understand something so darn simple?? its infuriating

Its like when marvel was having trouble trying to make a Blade movie, then years later come up with the statement “oh well, we just decided to make a blade movie of blade killing vampires”


No, thanks :+1:t5:


Yet you were laughing and smiling when Alliance players were forced to take quests from Thrall, Vol’jin, and Sylvanas.

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Alleria is alliance
Sylvanas is horde

That is all :stuck_out_tongue:

You’re right. She is my friend specifically. We have an intense platonic relationship, like Samwise and Frodo intense type of relationship.

These people are saying that Sylvanas was Neutral.

The delulu. :rofl: