I wish Alleria would stop talking to me like we're friends

What they did with him? A despicable piece of trash is all he ever was, starting in Burning Crusade.


Like I said, I’m not disagreeing with you that he was not a terrible person. I am telling you that I did not like how they handled him.

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Her new look is flat and boring, just like the storytelling.
Her Legion look was fantastic, just like the storytelling.

Honestly I hate the Desolate Council mostly because its obvious they put no thought into it. (Much like the Horde Council.)
Like an ideal council would have a representative of every Forsaken demographic. They got Belmont, Faranell and Velonara representing the Military, Apothecaries and Darkfallen respectively. But then you have Voss and Calia representing… who? Like I guess you could say Voss represents Forsaken who were risen after the Lich King’s defeat but I doubt the writers were actually thinking that. Meanwhile the Abominations and Cult of Forgotten Shadows remain completely unrepresented in this council.


The absence of many long-time Forsaken, like Gunther Arcanus, is also poor.


Eh I think people give Legion more credit than it deserves just because everything that came after was so god awful. I think Legion managed to reach the bar but didn’t really exceed it and I also blame the final patch for setting the stage for a lot of the problems in Shadowlands and Dragonflight



They turned him into a angry meathead.

There are ways to be savage, brutal, yet cunning.

Gameworkshop has many orcs they could have taken inspiration from. One can be cunning, intelligent and brutal.

A character is only as good as those who write them is a phrase that comes to mind. Applies to movies too. The worlds finest actor can’t save a script its clear…they took it for the money lol.

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They don’t.
It was good storytelling, and it hits all the beats of storywriters who went to school to master a craft.
That’s what we’ve been missing ever since.

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That’s all Garrosh ever was, from the first day we met him in Nagrand.


Hayden Christensen in the Star Wars prequels comes to mind. Dude was a great actor working with some of the worst dialogue ever written.


I’ve being saying this for a long time

Blizzard need to stop acting like the players are only one fanbase, and will like the characters they put as protagonists just because they are “a warcraft character”, it will never going to work.

The game will always be divided in three playerbases, one who only play alliance, one who play horde and one who play both. Its dumb to think shoving an alliance Leader will make horde players enjoy the questing experience and it is the same if they just shove an horde character.

Even some people who play both factions would feel uncomfortable with that by roleplay purposes… Sure i play a dwarf on alliance, but my Blood elf doesn’t like her, he would not be fine with her.

This lore design needs to stop asap, i know they want to cut money by not making two questlines, but you don’t need to do that, just make mirror quests with different NPCs

If you are alliance you do quest with Alleria, if you are Horde you do the same Quests but with Lorthemar or another NPC

And if they do that, who cares? nothing is rly canon with the next chronicles anyway, they can just say the canon version is the alliance one


Ah but have you heard about that one quest where Garrosh was very honorable that one time?



At least we had Gul’dan…he got good writers. I’d even take another another another alternate setup to see him again.

People like to mock those who were clinging to Stonetalon Garrosh but you have to understand what was going on at the time.
No one aside from Chris Metzen wanted Garrosh to be a raid boss. Horde players didn’t want to go to war with their own faction and Alliance players didn’t want to take a backseat to the Horde’s story. Stonetalon Garrosh was a beacon of hope that Garrosh might turn out to be a more interesting character than he ended up being. And while it’s obvious now in hindsight that Stonetalon Garrosh was an anomaly his character wasn’t set in stone yet at the time and still had room for development so it wasn’t cazy to think that’s how Garrosh was supposed to be.


Alternate theory: Stonetalon Garrosh was written for Thrall by a writer who didn’t get the memo.

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I prefer when the story has different perspectives for each faction. It makes it feel more organic

The whole “Hey everyone! Join together for this problem!” Gets kinda old when it’s employed for every single story


I’m sorry. I really don’t understand what you’re trying to say at all.

Afrasiabi (who made Cata Stonetalon) claimed that Garrosh was his man and that he wanted to “bring him around”, but failed to inform his team about that.


An upstanding person who should absolutely be taken at his word, yes?


Was there not a single Alliance hero Alleria could have taken along instead of someone who has a dozen good reasons to hide a ticking mana bomb in Telogrus Rift?

A dozen good reasons like… what? What Horde characters have even a single “good reason” to want to bomb Telogrus Riff?

Even before the relative peace of the timeskip, Blizzard was having to manufacture some nonsense anxiety for the Horde to justify it attacking the Alliance. There’s really only so long you can milk Taurajo or whatever.