I wish Alleria would stop talking to me like we're friends

Did you? Back in the day players weren’t present for everything. Things happened off-screen, on the other faction, and in books.


2004 was “back in the day”? I definitely remember being thanked for freeing Varian from Onyxia…


That’s your personal choice and that’s fine. I’m a big Windrunner fan. I like their stories.


I don’t hate Alleria, but I loathe Tyrande. I mean… like a deep, deeeeeep, visceral disgust of her very existence. So I can definitely relate. But Blizz has always been crap at not giving you much choice in deciding on who you work with or for… so I either don’t do the quest or just ignore it and move on. There’s a few addons that auto pick up quests and turn in so you don’t even have to read, you just go.


I get tired when Alleria talks about her obsession with Bread :roll_eyes:


Lol that at the end there xD

Unfortunately, we are stuck with Temu Sylvanas for the duration.

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I do wish characters didn’t have such short term memories for major things that had happened. Alleria herself doesn’t bother me, but this we all need to be friends now thing does. It ignores so much.

There’s also the problem of removal of questing story for Horde players. Or our quests being given to us by Alliance NPCs. It’s gotten to be too much.


Well that happen when blood elves scare off all the others.

To save the sunwell. In the one faction capital not even blood elves return to after level 20.

You took that undercity hop…and never came back. Till Quel Danas. to do dailies. then leave again.

Lets be honest here…in SL ends for most new players Blood elf heritage and paladin set was the first time they even stepped foot in ghost ring area lol.

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I do not care for most current lore characters, honestly. All of the characters I enjoyed ended up written poorly and/or died in the process. Arthas, Sally Whitemane, Garrosh, Malygos, Neltharion, Teron Gorefiend, Cairne and Saurfang to name a few. Current lore characters I do not mind are Jaina, Lilian Voss and Wrathion because I am curious to see how he develops over time. I’m just not a fan of the writing and I have not been since the start of Mists of Pandaria. The story and its characters have been dead to me after Cataclysm.


Been going on for years.

The Horde was basically written out of the game for 2 years, during Legion.

BfA is all about helping Magni. Then Wrathion shows up at the end and heads to Stormwind. Horde players get an NPC showing up with “click here to see what the Important Faction is doing with Wrathion” cut scene.

Shadowlands was Thrall & Baine sitting in the corner (literally) while the Important Human Characters discussed matters of state with the caretakers.




Hey now…there was the dramatic scene of thrall throwing his axe at helya.

I cannot lie, I still have no idea why allaince helps him find it. Orc shaman pretending to be a warrior? hahahaha, next time throw your throwing axe dude.

And then he makes rock bridges. with big gaping holes in it for the raid!

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Glad someone brought her up because she’s been bothering me lately. She’s too “involved” for lack of a better word. She was introduced in Cata and later expanded upon in MoP as a sort of lone wolf, loosely affiliated with the Forsaken but not beholden to them or the Horde. The Forsaken NPCs even talk about her with a sentiment like: “Yeah she went off on her own but she’s going after our enemies so it’s a win for us.”

Then she shows up in BfA working for Sylvanas and talking like she’s always been team Forsaken and I was just so confused and disappointed. Like she implies Sylvanas conscripted her, but what would Sylvanas do if she said “no”? Every person who has tried to capture and/or kill her has been made a pretty gruesome example of.

Then she gets made the defacto leader of the Forsaken in Sylvanas’ absence which was even weirder because there’s no point that it was established that she was a popular or even known figure among the Forsaken. Like, where are Belmont, Velonara, Aelthalyste, and Faranell? You know, people who actually are a part of Forsaken society and already hold positions of influence in it that would have a much easier time filling the power vacuum Sylvanas left behind?


None of the writing team was around during Cata, they don’t know where Voss comes from or what her story is.

She’s just “the named undead girl” to them.


Yeah that’s te general vibe I got too. I genuinely think the plan was to have Calia walk in and take the throne but they (somehow) weren’t expecting Calia to be so widely hated by Forsaken players as well as the community as a whole and had to grab the first Forsaken they could think of the fill the role instead.
EDIT: Same with Rokhan for Trolls actually. Except unlike Voss he really is the only remaining named Darkspear Troll of any significance aside from I guess Master Gadrin which is why he ended up as Vol’jin’s replacement by default.


I agree. I do like her as a character in general, but her change is bothersome. I also agree that Faranell would have made a better choice. I’m not very sold on the council as a whole but she needs replaced and I’m also a little hesitant about Calia Menethil. Stay tuned I suppose.

The Horde, for the most part, in my opinion, is really lacking when it comes to their leaders. Garrosh started out strong in Cataclysm and look what happened to him. Sylvanas just…let’s not even get into that. Vol’jin was done so dirty and so was Cairne. Baine feels so underwhelming and the Forsaken council feels out of place. I guess Gazlowe is okay? The list goes on and honestly. It’s just all a mess.


Garrosh was despised by everyone who wasn’t an Orc and all the other leaders were plotting to kill him…


Its seems to be common in many media forms of late.

Well, goes the writers of a movie, I never really read the comics.

Really? We couldn’t tell.


I’m certainly not saying he wasn’t. I was just saying that as a character, he started out strong and could have taken very, very different paths in the story. I did not like what they did with him at all.