I wish Alleria would stop talking to me like we're friends

Can we just ship off the alliance and horde that want to hold hands to a small island to live a peaceful life so we can continue the faction war again? Thanks…


What is OP going on about?

Dunno about them, but I’ve been “friends” with Alleria going back to Warcraft II.
So when she’s all, “lol remember that time WE invaded the Horde thru their own portal?”
I’m all, “Oh yeah, in Azeroth, you know, we do those kinds of things. Well, you know. Ahh, good times, old friend.”


I’d rather not have to deal with Alleria at all. She’s very obnoxious.

I’d much rather be dealing with her infinitely cooler husband. Turalyon is easily the best WoW character (now that every Horde character has been ruined forever).

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We were mercenaries. We were adventurers.

We have saved the world… our world, other worlds, both in our current timeline and another timeline, as well as the very afterlife itself. Whether your current character did or not, they will be treated as if they were present during Legion; thus, we are also leaders of important organizations.

That’s the thing RP’ers don’t understand, that our canon is decided for us. At this point, our characters could probably whoop Thrall, Alleria, Anduin… that we have not gone off the deep-end and committed regicide is mind-boggling considering we could probably take hold of these factions.
However canon dictates that we are simply very important characters of our respective factions and we are allowed to be faction-ignorant when the time arises, when the world needs saving.
RP’ers need to understand; we are only allowed to have our faction biases when canon allows it. We save the world so other characters can engage in politics and faction feuds.

I accept this as a fact of universe-writing yet I also understand where the OP is coming from. I would prefer, say, if I was on a blood elf char, NOT to cooperate with Alleria and her foster army of traitors to Silvermoon. But… it isn’t so.

No, you still are.

Your headcanon is not canon.

We are and will forever be mercenaries. They literally referenced it in dragonflight.

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Mercenaries being employed by our respective faction might I add.
I remember a lot of players asking why their character was following Sylvanas in BfA. My dude, she was writing your paycheck.

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I really have no idea who asked for “The Windrunner Show” to be rebooted. Also Alleria’s new design looks like a rejected LoL Ashe skin.


I haven’t touched this game’s story since the Korthia intro quest (though I did boot my sub back up a few months ago and just kinda finish up covenant campaign stuff and do Korthia/Zereth Mortis) and haven’t done Dragonflight’s story.

With how awful an experience Dawntrail was for me where I felt like a camera man in a bad shonen anime, I decided to see what the Joneses were up to here and did the little quest with Aleria.

So maybe it’s a matter of water to the thirsty, but Alleria talking to me as an important companion on a mission together, felt cool. Like obviously it’s her thing, about her, but I was like “oh wow, the game is talking to me, not around me??”


Meanwhile I’m over here missing when it was talking around me.
I liked it better when I wasn’t constantly the most important person in the room because it’s immersion breaking to be in a MULTIPLAYER game and have characters talk to you like you’re most important person ever while watching them give the same accolades to everyone else around me.
I’ll never understand why people defend this method of storytelling so hard.


I think there is something wrong with z trolls interacting with Jaina like they are friends after she killed their King.

If anything else the blood elves shouldn’t be associating with Jaina and the Alliance Silver Covenant after what they did to them in MoP.


It cheapens the compliments. Try it for a few hundred years and then understand my snark and outlook. Yea, yea, you’re proud of me, give me some new boots with my toes not exposed.

I agree but atleast Alleria isn’t completely insufferable like sylvanas was. I really enjoyed her in the harbinger questline thing

Alleria is definitely blander than Sylvanas though. And there’s an argument to be made that bland is worse than insufferable.

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I like Alleria and have been a fan of her since WC2. She is nice. That being said, I don’t like how Vereesa has been sidelined ever since Alleria’s return in WoW. It would seem the writers do not have enough collective brain power to write for more than one Windrunner sister at a time.


well its irrelevant what you like, your character is friends with other characters in the game because they have a mutual interest to save their world from calamity, you cant be stuck in classic WoW when the story has progressed 20+ years and more or less alliance and horde are mutual ally’s


I like you.

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Alleria isn’t bland. She’s literally dual-sided. She has the light and the void within her. That’s a very interesting personal struggle.

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People RPing as a warhawk is one of the most insufferable things this game has ever produced.

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Hate both Alleria and Turalyon. It makes no sense my OG orc hanging around with her when all I want is to smash her face into the ground and burn another tree. FOR THE HORDE!

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