I wish Alleria would stop talking to me like we're friends

Hey, I felt the same way when Thrall had me wasting my time helping him find the “right weapon” when we were trapped in the Maw. I honestly was looking for a chance to kick him off the edge…

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Wow it’s almost as if we’re mercenaries whose livelihoods hinge on an absence of peace or something.

We haven’t been mercenaries since WoD.

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Isn’t that more of her son Arator?

BFA we definitely were.

as an alliance player i agree i really cannot stand Tyrande. Alleria is alright tho.

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Alleria is fine. I don’t mind her. I don’t really mind any of the Alliance per se (Jaina is kinda meh, but she’s alright) just Tyrande… Tyrande.

Tyrande. The little scratch on the roof of your mouth that would heal if only you could stop tonguing it, but you can’t.

If I had a tumor I’d name it “Tyrande.”

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never had it said so succinctly before.:pray:

“Commander”, “Huntmaster”, “Champion”, “Maw Walker”, it doesn’t really make a difference. At the end of the day what you do is murder the enemies of your faction for coin, like every other mercenary on Azeroth. If there wasn’t a reward you wouldn’t do it.

To you, it doesn’t.

Speak not for the masses, but for yourself.

You’re typing an awful lot for something I don’t plan to read.

Okay then, tell me what fundamentally differs between how your character behaves before and after WoD besides getting a fancy title and having to interact with an annoying mission table?
Nothing changes about our MO. Dude tells us to go to a place and murder things there. We go there and murder things. We get paid. It’s always been that way from Vanilla to DF and it’s going to keep being that way in the World Soul Saga as far as we can tell.
Until you stop defiling the corpses your murder victims for loot, start denying your quest rewards and do all your murder pro bono you’re a mercenary.

Oh that’s a cute edit.

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it was also a lie, because i didn’t think you’d ask something worth answering, but as usual, i am frequently wrong

how the entire world forward treats you
you’re not wanderer, adventurer, or anything of the sort any longer
you’re a champion of your faction, and are referred to as such, and the story bequeaths you ‘benefits’ (i put quotes because they’re realistically worthless in practice) fitting for someone of such stature

this isn’t a storytelling device
it’s a mechanical one
your inability to distinguish does not make it less true
we’re doing it because it’s the correct thing to do in universe, not because we’re getting paid to do it (lol 64g isnt being paid to kill gods and legendary monsters either)
we do it out of universe cus mog is sweet and doing bigger numbers with better gear is just as

stop conflating a mechanical drive to keep the game worth playing with a narrative function that doesn’t exist (anymore)

either way, i’m done entertaining a known troll, and will be promptly muting the thread
have fun onotay

Oh I see, you must be the designated arbiter of what’s mechanics and what’s canon. Forgive me your grace I did not know you wielded such authority on these things.
You may want to have a word with the quest designers though since they keep making quests involving the player character canonically pilfering the bodies of their slain enemies for quest items and that doesn’t seem to line up with your earlier statement.

Bye! Was nice chatting with you. :wave: