I Will Tank if Nobody Abuses Me

cant stop people from leaving if its obvious that the route and pace will result in dead key. just like ff14 people wont say anything they will just dip

Sounds like a bad system that needs to be reworked.

You can’t hold people hostage if I didn’t have a leave option it’s alt f4

I mean, I didn’t say you shouldn’t be able to leave

I honestly want to try tanking in dungeon content someday, as I enjoy doing so in ESO but argh, I am not excited for the toxicity as I’ve seen it already when qued as DPS.

I get what you are saying . I don’t tank ever… but I hear you and know what you mean. Yep… I see it too.

your still in the minorty. slow tanking died years ago

I’d play with slow tanks tho. Plenty of people would check that box.


lol you think dps will respect that? hahaa no

Meaning ‘jerks will be jerks’… regardless, right? That’s what you said?

if one or 2 dont want to play slow they will prob pull the intended pulls

When I dps in a dungeon I follow the tank.


Same here… it’s playing the game. All the roles are needed at one time or another.

not everyone

That’s my whole point though. That is the point of the whole thread. There are plenty of people happy to play with tanks who go slower, but you won’t let them. Do I mistake, when I say you want them to stay out of the ques?

Welcome to the internet Ali. Is this your first day?
Hate to break it to you, but what Yun said is EXACTLY what will happen in that scenario.

Best advice on the matter that I can give is this: stop running randoms. Find a guild or community group that shares your mindset. If you insist on running randoms and happen to come across players you like running with, then see if anyone minds being added as a friend on battle.net for future runs.

I hate to be “that guy” but the tools to fix the issues are there for everyone to use. Problem is, no one wants to take the time to do so. They just rely on the easy way (in this case, joining a random) and hope for the best.

Sadly, the random system and slowly taking things cross server in various ways is what started the mess in the first place. When things were strictly confined to your server, you HAD to be on your best behavior as word would spread quickly on players to avoid. If your reputation got bad enough, odds were you’d have to actually make a new character if you wanted to do anything in a group ever again, then you’d have to hope that folks didn’t learn who your previous character was.

Random groups from across multiple servers eliminated that risk. Anonymity breeds apathy. Those players don’t care about you as there generally is zero punishment for being a total jerk in a group. The odds of actually seeing you again in a game with so many players is actually quite minimal, and as far as they are concerned you are on the same level as a random NPC.

Use the tool you’ve got and actually try to make some friends you normally run things with. Leave the folks you want to avoid in their self created cesspool of hatred.

So why should I stay out of randoms, and why is this not your advice for the people who will kick someone for wasting one minute of their precious time?

I think we both have the same right to the ques. There are plenty of people who are fine with a slightly slower group. Those who aren’t, can have only fast groups if that is what they select. Why would someone who wants a fast group only, select that he is forgiving so that he gets people over and over who he has to kick? Wouldn’t it be better for him to say he’s unforgiving and never have to kick people?

The way I see it, the forgiving/unforgiving system is an upgrade for him too. This way, he won’t run into kick timers. He gets fast, optimal route groups every single time.

If people would really go into the forgiving que to get faster ques, they should be more punishing with kick timers. But I don’t see why people would do that.

I’m with you on that one, except push that back to about MoP.

I have not joined a random as a tank in 12 years unless I had at least one guild member or friend with me. I’m not there to be someone’s verbal punching bag because of the following:

  • Pulled too slow
  • Pulled too fast
  • Pulled too many
  • Didn’t pull enough
  • Didn’t skip a particular group
  • Don’t know every shortcut
  • Refusing to use a risky shortcut
  • Attempting to use a risky shortcut and pulling EVERYONE when someone misses a jump

Of course, it also works both ways. There is NOTHING I hate more as the tank than asking if everyone in the group knows what to do on X boss, then seeing a wipe due to the entire group clearly NOT knowing what is going on.

I try to be reasonable, but that is generally the one thing that will make me become the very thing I hate in this game.

Please don’t make me (or any other tank) be that person. If the tank is asking, you’ve likely got a tank that is actually WILLING to slow down and EXPLAIN THINGS! Don’t blow that on wanting to wing it or pretend you know what’s going on.

Also: if the tank is willing to do that and another DPS decides it’s taking too long and wants to screw everything up on account of a run taking an extra 30 seconds, then I can promise you the tank WILL have your back before the griefer if you guys want to dump that person.

DPS are a dime a dozen. Good tanks/healers aren’t, and tanks that actually WANT to make sure things go smoothly are unicorns.

Protect them! And maybe friend them too! :rofl:


Mate, I REALLY don’t know what to tell you then.

Yeah, you’re entitled to join randoms, but you’re essentially expecting everyone to be on their best behavior if Blizzard somehow makes a “good boy queue” for lack of a better term. Hell, I’m also fine with a slow group, but the sad reality is you aren’t going to get what you are asking for.

If you honestly think the players you wish to avoid wouldn’t exploit such a setup, then you might possibly be one of the most naive players I’ve met in quite some time. I wish things were different, but when anonymity exists with little to no consequences, then the worst among us WILL use that to their advantage.

Also, I hate to break it to you, but some of these folks really don’t care about a kick timer. It’s a minor inconvenience at best. If you bumped it up to something absurd such as an hour, most of the folks with the mindset you’re trying to avoid would just jump to another character, because for some of these folks it isn’t about doing a run quickly. There are actually people out there with the mindset of “How many people can I piss off today?”

Another thing to note: while it isn’t as common anymore from my experiences from the few randoms I’ve done with one or two friends, I actually HAVE been in groups where two or three of the other folks in the group literally race each other to kick someone else before even a single pack gets pulled. I’ve also been in groups back in Cata/MoP where I’ve been kicked as the tank because my “gear was too low” for a heroic while these huckleberries ignore the fact that I wouldn’t have been able to queue for said heroic in the first place if my gear wasn’t already at a minimum.

TLDR: Don’t delude yourself into thinking folks are going to play nice just because of a special queue, and certainly don’t think an actual innocent player won’t get hit with your proposed stricter consequences on account of a troll being a troll. Hell, these players practically get off on such things when they do happen.

I don’t understand why there’s a certain vocal population of tanks that think they deserve veneration. You are 1 of 5 players on a team; you contribute 20% of the overall effort to succeed. You don’t have automatic authority over your teammates or exclusive pull rights just because you’re the one taking the most damage; although it’s common for the tank to dictate the path at least, it’s not unsual for others to chime in with chat or pings or even running ahead to set a path/pace that the group either accepts or doesn’t; if the tank disagrees with the group, generally that means the tank is the problem.