I Will Tank if Nobody Abuses Me

I’m talking about normal and heroic. It should have been clear when I mentioned the 40 minute wait time - I’m talking about qued content. And I’m very willing to do homework and learn routes, but at the end of the day I have to practice.

It’s your choice. You can have 40 minute wait times in the que, or you can have me, and the other few hundred of me, and maybe half the wait time.

So why isn’t this the case for the people who will abuse if you waste one minute of their time? Why isn’t it the case that that’s their playstyle, many agree but many don’t, so they should make their own groups?

But chains and whips are best suited … In a dungeon :smiling_imp:


The main trouble is that this is not actually true of WoW. FFXIV isn’t that difficult at the top levels. The toxicity happens naturally when people are not assured to advance with top effort. It happens naturally when you NEED that 1% advantage. If you are logical, you are going to get really aggressive to anyone costing you that 1% because they are 1% less proficient than you are.

I think wait 40 min :x

Diddy? You play wow?

Personally, I disagree :person_shrugging:

Top tier mythic guilds like team Liquid, Echo etc aren’t exceedingly toxic and yet are some of the highest performers in the entire game.

  • That all being said as well — If we’re to go with the numbers, facts repeatedly show that the majority of the playerbase aren’t doing the highest end content that need that 1% percent advantage.

If you’re logical, you’re going to provide constructive criticism without being overly aggressive or toxic to succeed :dracthyr_nod: From innumerous sources of videos, streams and such found throughout the internet – You can see masses of high end players achieving goals by doing such. Overall, being a jerk generally collapses groups.

However, I can see we’re not come to terms to this overall notion of what’s acceptable behaviour for various content in the game; so to keep it relatively civil I’ll say we can just agree to disagree. lol

I agree with you to a point, actually. These people have all found others who are their optimal partners in not dragging one another down, so there’s no need to be abusive.

And this is going to happen at the very very top, because at some point maybe someone is dragging you down by 1% but you still can’t find anyone better. So people like Method are going to be well aware that if they collapse what they have, that is bad for them.

The trouble comes when you’re not Method or Echo. But you want to be. Nobody sees themselves as low-skill. Everybody thinks they can be Method. So if you’re not Method, you have to throw away the garbage until you are Method. And the real horrible thing is that people succeed at the middle levels by doing this. They’re getting carried but they don’t know it. To them, they threw away a lot of garbage, got the creme de la creme they deserved, and won, because they also are the top.

And the lower you go, the worse this is going to get. It’s spilling into normals now. Normals. And it’s because if you’re not at the top, that’s how you climb a little closer: Deceive yourself into thinking you’re better than you are, and insist you play only with perfection. If it works, why would anyone not do it?

meet me in goldshire!

are you volenteering to by my dancing bear?

Sounds like any LFD or LFR in the game.
and people still do that stuff.

I get you think this will be the “Roll for transmog” version of M+ but Iʻm pretty sure some might take to it.

I tank so I don’t even deal with you lol. I’ll tank for you

Adriel’s Incredible Guide to Tanking in World of Warcraft

Step One: make friends with a healer.

That’s it, no more steps. Kick stupid DPS from your groups, you’ll eventually find some regulars who aren’t idiots.

With this winning formula you will have the two most important, hardest to find roles in the game taken care of already, and DPS grow on trees.

Satisfaction guaranteed.

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Ultimates aren’t that difficult?

I’d tank with my blood dk in M+ if there was a checkbox for “might be slow, might be bad, might be learners, might be off meta specs, might not be the best route, not for try hards”. And then violating the sanctity of the checkbox resulted in bans.

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saw some boss took Echo 1800 pulls.

WOW has rookie numbers compared to that.

I disagree, toxicity happens when ppl are selfish and want everything to be done their way like a dictator . Its my way or the high way , others to them are basically a tool to push themselves forward like slaves. There is no specific difficulty level at which this happens , it happens in leveling dungeons , in the open world, profession like skinning and so on

This is not how co-operative games are played . Eventually a toxic person like this will hit a road block that requires their mentality to change forcing them to co-op but they don’t so they still linger in the pug scene

I actually don’t have a problem with people thinking this way, as long as they understand others are going to do the same. Selfishness is something we should all have more of. The idea that you have crippling moral obligations to put others first ENDS THE SECOND YOU ENTER AN ENVIRONMENT WHERE NOBODY CAN GET HURT AND THAT YOU PAY TO BE IN.

We all pay to be here, and we all do it because we want enjoyment. There is nothing wrong with pursuing our own enjoyment first.

This guy understands…

What it is to be a psycho, as they are the only people who are selfish enough to think only of themselves in a non dangerous, payed environment.

I’m not saying this as an attack, only a spark for conversation. I thin the mindset of this run is a failure might be part of the problem. In most dungeons outside of the niche of m+ going slower, non optimal, pulling this mob or skipping mobs, isnt going to lead to failure.

Half the problem of the toxic behaviors is everybody wants to play like a normal or even heroic dungeon needs to be played to the 6+ key meta.

in normal / heroic dungeons people pull everything because it’s not threatening.

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I didn’t say only. I said first. You paid for enjoyment. You should pursue that enjoyment. Yes, before you think about others. There is something wrong with somebody who pays their sub and turns over 100% of their playtime to benefit others. At that point, don’t play. Go do charity work. It benefits people who need it as opposed to people who want it.