I will not spend over 100k on Legendary

you do know its a player controlled market, ya? and blizz has nothing to do with leggo prices?

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I will not sell a legendary for under 100k. :slight_smile:

For real though, crafting legendaries (particulary 262s, as well as simply getting leveled up to R4) is stupidly expensive and there is nothing wrong with recuperating costs and eventually making a profit.


Go do like 5 boosts. It’s not really that bad.

Does the new legendary slot only work for 262+ base items? Can it not be put onto a 190 piece?

I was kind of under the impression that the new legendary slot item isn’t in the game yet, even though there are legendary belts as is.

My guess is it will be attached purely to higher ilvl items since it is purely unlocked in the upcoming patch. But I am also assuming that like now, there will be a range of item levels with a range of prices. (probably all overpriced :stuck_out_tongue: )

The “free” legendary belt will be ilvl 265, so it doesn’t make R7 belts irrelevant. There will still be a need for R7 belts and all other slots as well :slight_smile:

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Say what? If true, this is awesome since my BIS is the covenant on a non-belt piece already at 262.

Could you kindly provide a source? If not, I’ll look around.

Hey, champ, Blizzard isn’t setting the prices on these… your fellow are the ones setting the prices. lol


False. Blizzard created the recipes needed to upgrade your profession and craft the items in question. Currently it takes millions to even enter the market, so you must price high to recoup or make profit.

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for the most part the forums (from what i gathered) are totally fine with the rent-a-legendary system. but i’d imagine it’s cuz many of the users here purchase wow tokens.

I personally know a few people from my circle that hate it, including me. My sister thinks it’s better than Legion’s legendary system, but I disagree since we have had to craft them every tier, it just plays more into their dumb seasonal cycle…and also pushes wow token sales, which is lame.

gonna purchase mine regardless cuz i don’t wanna be hard stuck with the scrubs :frowning:
i hope they never implement this renting system ever again. Literally paying well over 100k for like +15 to haste. :-1:

on a final note, i think if it was a one-time purchase for the powerful legendary power that stuck with you the entire expansion - it would have felt more like a legendary to me. i wouldn’t compare this to my pandaria cloak or anything like that. most of the druid legendary powers feel like they could just be regular talents


Blizzard bots are setting prices and control the economy :alien:

See above or below:

False. Blizzard created the recipes needed to upgrade your profession and craft the items in question. Currently it takes millions to even enter the market, so you must price high to recoup or make profit.

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Make your own then. Blizzard isn’t setting these prices.

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To be fair, it is a slight gold sink: 5% of the gold cost of the item sold is the AH cut, which disappears into the ether.

Unless they’re manually trading it to the person, but still

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Again, yes they do. By making the recipes the way they did, it causes a high gold investment.

If the mat requirement was halved, and this is purely blizzards decision, the cost would halve as well.

Why dodge the solution? Make your own.

You’re the kind of guy who cries about inflation but buys tokens for gold, aren’t you? I bet when you think of a high gold price the first thing you thin of is buying a token. Make your own stuff and your own gold, you don’t need to buy everything.

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you can get everything needed to craft/rank up leggos with alts

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True. I’m just saying blizzard is partly responsible for the legendary prices.

Except they aren’t.

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A non-sequitur and an ad hominem. Well done.

It is impressive that you know detailed info about me after reading approx 3 posts. Use your powers for good.