I will not spend over 100k on Legendary

Fantastic rebuttal. The classic nuh uh retort.

Good day.

There’s no other way to answer. It’s really that cut and dry.

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-pokes- Psst. Look at their name. I think that’s all that needs to be said about them.

I’ll try to be understood once more.

Take legendary item X. Given, the players decide how much each ore costs to make legendary item X.

If blizzard makes the game take 1000 ore to level your skill to craft that item and then makes the item take 1000 more ore to make, that will make it more expensive than if it took much less ore to level your skill and craft it.

The cost of the material=player economy

How many materials it takes to level up your skill and to craft the piece=blizzard’s decision.

Both matter equally.

yawn mooooove along

To add to that, there is a vendor bought item that you have to buy to make each legendary: Orboreal shards (100g each, with exalted rep discounts), which is also blizzard’s decision to set the price on.

(I believe they used to be 1000g each without rep discounts during SL beta…)

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only epics for you then. afterall, legendaries are only for the upper elite, not for any … person like you. /gag

Farm your own.

Players are setting prices for their time spent. If you don’t like paying players for their time then spend your own time. Blizzard isn’t setting the prices on players time.

Would you point me to the mob that drops orboreal shards? Go on, I’ll wait.


if you can’t afford that then give up or do a couple world quest.

Players: Make crafting more meaningful
Blizz: Makes crafting more meaningful
Players: reeeeeeeeeee


–(The point)–>




–(your head)–

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If orboreal shards are putting a noticeable dent in your bank account…I got nothin. You’re just being dramatic, if that’s the argument. Those things are a drop in the bucket.

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I get the point. The point is you think you have some sort of really low and petty gotcha moment. My comment stands.

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Alright then, let’s say you want to make rank 4 of every single lego in a profession, say, Tailoring. That means you need to make 15 rank 1, 2, and 3 legos of each slot.
Belts take 10, 15, and 25 shards each (for ranks, 1, 2, and 3 respectively).
Bracers take 8, 12, and 18 shards each.
Capes take 8, 12, and 20 shards each.
Hoods take 12, 18, and 30 shards each.
Gloves take 10, 15, and 25 shards each.
Pants take 12, 18, and 30 shards each.
Robes take 12, 18, and 30 shards each.
Sandals take 10, 15, and 25 shards each.
Spaulders take 10, 15, and 25 shards each.
In total, that’s 6,870 shards, or 687,000 gold in vendor costs alone, with a 20% rep discount.
I don’t know about you, but 687,000 gold is a pretty significant investment to have to make – and that’s before even considering the amount you have to spend on the other materials to boot (lightless silk, dust, shrouded cloth…).


Thank you for letting me know.

I was greatly concerned.

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they way they set it up it is impractical to craft for yourself though - 15 for each rank was only workable at the start of the expansion. It makes no sense whatsoever to do that now. Max of 5 items to rank up and the price would come down.

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But you dont have to do this. Not at all. The amount you calculated is the amount an absolutely dedicated master crafter would have to make. If you only want to have a legendary crafted for yourself, you farm the mats and have it crafted for a small fee. Usually even for free if you have someone in your guild. There is 0 reason to act like everyone has to level all these things to max and pretending like people have to pay this much for their legendary is absurd.

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Company didn’t set the price. Welcome to free market economics.

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Which is precisely why it costs so much to buy max rank legendaries in the first place – the people crafting it are trying to recoup the massive investment they made.