I watched 2 new players quit pvp in real time

Who was in your group that game

You had a premade on your team I know the people

Staarry/YTZ/Robin are together

Massive bgs rats I see them all the time in the same group

Sure, itā€™s an advantage. Just not what you think it is.

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Just me and the DK you hate. I recognize Ytz, who has high exp but I never see him with the same people. One of the healers on our side seemed like he was with him, but the others didnā€™t seem to have any achievements.

Anyway, even if there was a premade on our sideā€¦ Ytz died very fast in the middle and was removed very quickly. Jbty won middle, but the people they had at their bases were not good players so they had nowhere to take the flag and ended up feeding it to us at DR (which we duo capped instead of going to mid).

The point I was trying to make is that a five man premade can struggle if enough of the rest of their team isnā€™t that good. Especially in a fifteen man map.


Sounds like a fun game I was just curious sorry

YTZ/Staarry/robin are usually together

100% true

Roxeni the rogue (https://worldofwarcraft.blizzard.com/en-gb/character/us/tichondrius/roxeni/pvp) is a perfect example of someone who is good enough to take on a premade solo

Even when youā€™re winning teamfight, you still gotta do the objective. Being really good about knowing when itā€™s a good time to run a flag, and take advantage of the ā€œnot so goodā€ players is how I lose most of my games

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He always seemed like the type of player that would be doing premades, but I just never saw him with the same people. However, you know names and alt names much better than I do.

This gives me a chance to post a super sweet ice wall that splits the enemy healers. :slight_smile:


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Yes, very good rogue. Iā€™ve fought them a few times. Of course, sub rogues are a nightmare as is. Almost oneshot them with the enhancement shaman burrow burst cheese, but cheat death + healer. :frowning:

Lol YTZ is premading in that game too.

Heā€™s with Ganjini, and kruder and a healer 100%

Kruders on my friends list lol

Heā€™s so incredible at not dying and being as annoying as possible. He does RBGā€™s with us ocassionally lol. In our discord, super friendly dude. Very french and has a SUPER deep voice lol

EASILY the best rogue that does randoms

please no

(funny wall but still)


I swear you would enjoy playing with me.

Dark arch + pi makes memes so much more fun

Yeah man and those dudes in the GY being camped by a coordinated team who are better, more experienced and likely better geared; how many keep queuing? How many never come back? In your math a team with a premade is twice as likely to GY camp so itā€™s a modifier for bad times for everyone else. Population is dying, thereā€™s no motivation to learn WoW PvP and lots of ways to instantly hate it - what are we disagreeing about here

I donā€™t get how players (in this thread) can enjoy such one-sided games.

ā€œGGs everyone! So amazing!ā€


Lmao did they really say that

GGgggs in chat and raid warning. Who knows what they were saying in Discord or Community chat.

It definitely was not a good game.

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That looks incredibly boring

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If only they had managed to get in 35 of their players. The other team would have had zero HKs!

Rookie syncers

gotta vote to kick the pugs!! come on!!

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I think you accurately identified the problem when you said this:

Pretty much every other game has a personal MMR - even for unranked - that ensures relentless blowouts donā€™t happen

But, now you are kind of fixated on premades. Premades are always going to exist. There is zero chance that Blizzard is going to remove the ability of friends to play together. However, there is a chance (although small) that they can do something with a MMR system that improves the quality of the BGs.

I mean, there is a problem. It is a bad problem. But, I think a lot of people are fixated on the wrong things.

Blood DK representing for alliance. Top damage, almost certainly top healing and tied for top on killing blows. :stuck_out_tongue:

cuz its only a game its epics its not the end of the world yall are so dramatic

Exactly! its only a game so you wouldnā€™t be against making sure cheaters who sync q are punished or the system restructured so its not deterring new and returning players ?

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Why didnā€™t you leave if it is so despicable?

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