I was wrong

It’s not really about self-control. It’s about not wanting to do persistence content but wanting the rewards that the people who do that content will get. They are the ones who deserve those rewards, just for being gud. If they have to do content they consider beneath them them to get those rewards, they want that removed from the game, so the players who deserve nothing aren’t able to earn them.


It isn’t indicative of OCD at all.

It is very natural, and there’s a reason we’re careful with a diagnosis of OCD. If this were at all indicative of OCD, feeling like you have to pay your bills would necessarily be, as well.


This is technically a changelist of DSM 4 to DSM 5, but it gives a decent overview for you.

Daily WQs is a chore. It’s not good content. ITS OK TO NOT PLAY WOW 24/7!!

Play another game sometimes.

I don’t want it to be the only way to get faction rep. I just don’t like random quests being the only option. I will never get anything but valdrakken up this expansion because I will not solo quest. I’d rather play one of the many backlog of single player games.

It’s odd so many people make the claim that people should go play other games when there’s nothing for them to do. MMO’s make their money by people continuously paying and playing, being so busy and engaged that they never question what they are doing with their lives. Intentionally shipping your paying customers to another supplier of what they want is bad for the game, because they may find another game in the genre that they find more appealing, a different type of game, or quit videogames entirely.

If Blizzard is not providing customers with what they need to keep them playing, that is bad design. It takes a massive number of players to keep a game like this profitable, and sending customers away makes it less profitable.


What else should one say to people who essentially say they don’t like the myriad forms of content available to them?

I think three times a week for WQ’s would be ideal.

holy crapnuggets that blew my mind. this isnt just about daily quests, this is SPOT ON regarding so many design decisions on this game and so many others. this is like the da vinci code of video game design

You have this weird mentality that an MMO should consume your life. That’s not normal my dude.

You might be right. I usually go through them in about two days give or take.

Tbf why would you have?

The type of player who does world quests as their primary content is a solo player.

Youre not going to group with a solo player.
How would you meet one?
If you did meet one, would a solo player stay in touch with you to talk about what theyre doing in the game? Almost certainly not.

Youre never going to know what a solo player gets up to because solo players dont want to talk to you or have any reason to interact with you.

Blizzard cannot strike a balance; it’s either all, or nothing with this company. Make the WQs that drop gear on a week-long timer and then populate daily WQs for everything else (gold, rep, resources).

Thats cool. I dont care for farming lunkers. I already have the old transmogs. I dont like leveling alts. I only push mythics with my mythic group. My professions are already leveled and i get their quests done on Tuesdays.

Give me daily quests please. It doesnt stop you from doing the content you like.

Then don’t do dailies?

Have some sense of self control.

If you dont like something, don’t do it.

Nah, I like it this way better. Keep it bi-weekly.

I agree! I like not feeling the pressure to log in every. single. day.

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One of the best things about Dragonflight is the ability to say to yourself, “I’m tired. I’m going to go to bed early and do this world quest tomorrow.”

Don’t take that away from people.

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like u took away my daily world quests?

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You seem to be in the minority here.

Great idea! Design an expansion for players that DONT play the game…