I was wrong

And there’s no borrowed power systems to grind. So you aren’t missing anything.


I liked it too at first, but beyond mining and doing events, there really isn’t much to DO besides mopping up cheevos. Sometimes you just wanna do a little thing here are there for variety, the World Quests in DF are perfect for that. The only stuff of note they let you unlock is some profession recipes with the factions, we really aren’t gonna miss out on much here with them being daily.

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Me realize its friday and need to rush my world quest.

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no its not moot, its important to keep this convo going, the fact that this conversion is still ongoing 3 weeks into the expac is COLD HARD EVIDENCE that there’s a lot of people who agree daily world quests should be brought back

if u dont want ot believe that because its not how YOU feel, thats on you

And that is also a problem. They need to be the premier way to gain power progression. And difficulty needs to be increased in doing so. Mythic keys should grant cosmetics and titles for novelty speedrunning.

You are uninterested in world content. I am uninterested in keys. My position is just as valid as yours. However I don’t use mine to demand keys be eliminated because of my FOMO. I’m not selfish like that.

No thanks… I like having a life now… Things don’t feel mandatory.

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Nah go away, we do not need this, no one asked for this. Shoo maggot.

Yes, arguing with anecdotal evidence is moot. Neither of us can prove this vague “many” and we can only corroborate it with personal account.

I would still place money that you’re in an extreme minority.

Or that you’re just lying. Many of your ‘supporters’ don’t even have the achievement for 1000 daily quests completed. :person_shrugging:

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Please bring back faction tabards so I don’t have to farm quests to get rep… Let me do my dungeons and farm gear and not fall behind. I don’t play wow to play solo questing.


I just went back to shadowlands with my new gear and owned torgast go back today for more pets and mogs and many mounts I passed over because of burnout.

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It’s coming whether you like it or not. It’s just a matter of time. I’m just more a fan of accelerating that.

Imagine being forced to party with people like you to progress your gear. Oh wait I don’t have to imagine. Very bad design.

I see what you mean and feel it myself when I’m not doing endgame content. I would be in favor of daily profession quests at the least if not a better system that accommodated the “daily” mindset better.

This was the lamest way to grind rep blizzard ever put in the game. I’m glad it’s gone, imo.

I like the twice weekly resets, it feels great.


It is good on paper. The problem is world content is thin, like Disney animators slicing a slice of a slice bread thin.


Except the community decided we didnt want mandatory rep grind, “let people play how they want” was contradictory to how the game forced you into that shiit.

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Hard disagree. The world is much more alive now. There’s so many more side activities you can do instead. Do the Maruuk dailies. Go on a hunt. Go fishing.


Give them a chance to implement more stuff like they suggested they would in the blue post addressing this. Obviously it’s going to take some time for them to figure out what’s going to work, and I’m curious to see what they come up with.

i can assure you im not lying, every patch ive logged in, completed my dailies, and logged out until my reps were maxxed and MAYBE done somethign else if i felt like it. unsubbed till next patch rinse and repeat. thats what ive done since like 2015. and id put money down that theres a significant portion fo the playerbase who did exactly that

you log in, do your keys and raid maybe idk you, but you do whatever you do and you log out

and guess what? im not demanding your way of playing the game be taken aaway. you know why? because it doesnt affect me. but HERES THE CATCH. it DOES affect me, because the way you probably play the game gets you the best gear in the game. but i have self control and realize i dont have to do somethign i dont want to do in a video game just because im in some imaginary competition with other players

daily world quests affect NO ONE but compulsive addicts who get heart palpatations when they see them on their map