why are you guys always so bold about admitting you submit false reports
Good point.
BlizZard is very PC against bullying so they can not ignore the issue for long.
Yeah, this thing won’t last. People are just too petty to utilize something like this.
Kybrine, it’s never going to be accurate. If you get a drop someone wants desperately and you decline giving it to them, all they have to do is claim you quit in the middle of a mythic dungeon run. Others will see the note about you, and they won’t question whether it’s true or not, they just won’t take the chance of inviting you and will quietly move on to someone else who doesn’t have a note about them. Accurate data?? Wake up.
One would assume so, except OP’s original thread seems to make the case against it, thus why they posted it here after losing their wit’s end with Blizz.
No what the OP said is the GMs hands are tied which is true. The devs can stop addons from working if they want to at any time.
Blizz really shouldn’t be directing negative attitudes and perspectives to their forum… I don’t know any other game that does this.
Read the 2nd sentence. The GMs and customer support don’t care.
I don’t agree with that.
They do care but they do not have the power to stop addons from working. The devs have the power to do so.
That may be true if you have the emotions of a child.
If the GMs/Customer support cared I would have expected an “we will route this over to the developers for consideration”
But instead received a passive…“Post on the forums so the developers can see it”
So in my opinion, the GMs/Customer Service reps don’t really care about the issue
I find it hard to believe there isn’t direct communication between the developers and GMs/Customer Support
GMs don’t interact with devs. Only the CMs interact with devs and we have seen many CMs on these forums lately. sarcasm
Your best bet is going to WoW reddit or a discord channel with theory crafters so a CM can pass it on to devs.
I 've know that they did have black lists but never one that directly posted to twitch ,etc.This addon seems like it could be misused ,dang how fast the media is now if used it can get a fast response for the wrong reasons.
Mafic, OP is doing exactly what they told them to do, i.e. post it here (which is odd, giving the addon more advertising). Unless you work for Blizz, you don’t know who interacts with whom in their office. At least OP had direct communication with the right people and is doing what they suggested instead of actually doing something about it.
But if it was a rather large private server, I’d bet the GMs would then jump right on it, right?
The CM’s probably have to go through a bunch of channels just to make a post or interact with us.
I don’t work there, so this is obviously 100% speculation…but CM’s of old came off as pretty passionate about their jobs, which is being the liaison between community and the dev team…something tells me the silence is not their choice, and they probably do want to post and interact with us.
that’s why i think blizzard’s withdrawal from the community has really damaged them. They did this in other franchises too (like warcraft 3 and starcraft 2 for example), so it’s probably not isolated to just the wow team.
I was really upset when they let go of a bunch of CM’s, because to me, they’re very important for games with massive audiences like WoW. Mistakes were made indeed.
The front line customer support folks normally have specific processes when dealing with the customer that they cannot stray from if they want to remain employed. Senior Managers or Directors would be the ones communicating with the devs and that would likely only be at defined intervals or through weekly reports.
Ok, but who is holding up to the authenticity of that accountability? If you get a mount I’ve been farming for years and don’t give it to me, what’s to stop me from making the claim you left my mythic dungeon run? Who is going to hold me accountable for what I post about you? Can I make claims against members on my realm that have rare items I don’t have?
So I repeat the question…if what you say is true, that it’s used for accountability, what’s to stop me from making baseless lies against anyone?
GMs don’t have a bat phone they can go to and discuss with devs.
That is what CMs are for.
The loss of the golden yak was a big blow to our morale. Golden yak was working on a compilation of class improvements.
Well,tbh,the system of communication support in this game is about as bad as the systems in the game itself. You go to Cs with a complaint they say they can’t do anything and send you to the forum om suggestions ,if that don’t work to discussion forums, if that don’t nothing will when all you want is to play the game.agh.
C.ip. the new EULA that just dropped in the game which because of it’s ties to microsoft knocked me out of the game ,At first thought it was a problem with the computer system so I reload it,then repaired wow,then the EULA shows up. dang it. Just tell people you have a new one coming out so we can be prepared.
Most direct way is to tweet the dev team.
That is the only way they can resolve this issue regarding the addon.