I was wrong, RDF sucks

Since my server is massively bloated with refugees from other now dead servers and the Q was too massive to play today… I took the bait and went and played some retail… Retail is actually better than when I stopped playing its PVE last, but I did go do some dungeons, and frankly… RDF sucks man.

Sure, you get a dungeon slightly faster than in Classic, but its deader than dead… No one says a word, no one seems… alive; its just so monotonous and formulaic.

Did Blizzard goof by saying that RDF would be out? I think so, because its part of the ICC content patch, but perhaps maybe its not a mistake that RDF is a gonner…

Truth be told tho, the LFG in Retail is 10X better than the turd they shipped us in Classic… if anything just cut and paste the Retail LFG tool and that will fix a lot of stuff in Classic grouping. I know its not a literal cut and paste job, and that some work would need to be done to make it compatible, but frankly its worth it.


That’s what I keep saying.


Did you say anything? Did you try to be social?

I don’t think RDF in and of itself makes people less social.

RDF is simply convenience for grouping. Socializing in group content is up to the players.


How can it sucks if without it you have to be summoned, which is almost the same thing to be teleported to the dungeon, then just have to waste you HS to get back to leveling? I Really dont get it. Its the SAME thing but slower! And lets hope your tank dont leave and u have to find another one and wait close to the sumon stone.

There is no reason to dont have it. Blizz just want to sell some Boosts this year and for sure they going to add it next year. U guys are just stupid for not seeing it.


Slightly faster. People can’t even do dungeons in a day sometimes in old world and current world they gatekeep. Yeah 20 mins as a DPS on Retail compared to hours or probably not at all that day kekw. Not sure you know what slightly means bud.


yeah at least in classic you get gems like “Brb” “OMW” and “summons?” truly the pinnacle of social interaction!


at least in classic people dont need random blues to shard (as often)


Agreed RDF sucks. Loving the new group finding tool. It’s been very easy to find groups thus far.


One THOUSAND times yes! It’s nice that people finally see the light after they play with RDF. Great post.


You can’t need on retail period. Everything is personal loot.


lel sounds great
havent played that since legion week 1

It’s personal loot now, the game rolls for you and if you “win” it goes straight in your bags.

you just descried my feeling of 2years playing classic and surprisingly classic doesn’t have RDF


It’s been the same with the current LFG tool, both it and RDF give you random people to play with, RDF is just more accessible.


Pretty much. I’ve had more conversations with people in General chat while questing than I have in all the dungeons combined. Hey/omw/at stone/summon?/gg/thanks is pretty much the extent of it.


I have run into so many lazy players who dont want to run to stone or leave groups when you ask them to run out for 1 minute to help summon its insane, no RDF is infuriating with the way the player base is today, amazing socializing going on /s


yeah, well that’s been my experience running dungeons just using the LFG tool we have. and yes, I do try to talk to people. many times nothing is said in reply.



Idk the tank im running with is having full conversations as we go.

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While I think RDF is nice at times, my overall feeling is one of ambivalence. I’ve never understood the rage expressed on this forum over its removal. The tool they gave us, hell even LFG bulletin board, were always sufficient for my needs. I guess if you’re on a dead server it’s different, but on the full/locked servers finding groups is not that hard.

I think a lot of people think that RDF will solve the fact that they can’t find groups when all they play is dps specs.


Their silence was violence. If you’re not actively initiating socialization and endeavoring to personally engender community spirit in your dungeon groups, why should your opinion on what best preserves community carry any weight?