I was wrong about TBC flying

This times infinity squared.


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The required sync would be so obvious they were multiboxxing that they would’ve been banned.

At least, I’d like to think, but since no one has ever seen a flock of 20 dragons flying in sync before the Pathfinder was introduce, I take that no one in their right minds would try to argue that Dragon Riding was not preventing multiboxers from swarming throughout Dragon Isles.

Another one…

OP did not talk about Bots, but multiboxers.
Multiboxing for gathering wasn’t a thing until 10.2 with Pathfinder.

What is TBC flying e_e

They’ll never ban a 3rd party software usage for multiboxing because of one single thing - They are paying for these other accounts. Banning the software and not allowing them to run 13 accounts at one would cause all 13 accounts to become unsubbed and lose an absurd amount of money across the board.

Not to mention it would stop you from using mods, realistically.

Sounds like a you problem. Or extreme hyperbole. I make gold selling mine.

Also: cheap mats is good. So I’m not complaining.

But my point still stands: this isn’t new and thanks for proving my point, which was this:

And your response?

So again, thanks for proving my point.

Nowhere have I moved any goalposts. Poor attempt.

No one was confused. Again:

And once more with feeling:

Zero goalposts moved. Whatever argument you’re trying to have doesn’t exist, so just stop.


Yep and everyone fell for it

False. Multiboxers using any type of automation or input software are banned. We’ve seen it happen on the CS forums.

LMAO…yeah son…except YOUR sort is the one who admits it given enough grilling in here.
YOU are theone losing sleep over OTHERs having flight, not me.
sounds like a ‘you’ problem.



I might not worded it right, but i 100% agree with what you said in the other post. Week 2 of the expansion, mats were like a god each? I made nothing, because it was easier to use my own mats, and when i ran out, i would buy the cheap mats on the AH and make my profit from flasks, potions, and engi toys.


I’m pretty sure you’re cracked, I’ve had a multiboxer on my friend list, along with all their known (read some variation of their main name) alt accounts there as well, and they’ve been doing this since I think MoP or whichever it was that allowed multiple picks of the same node before disappearing. They are still going strong, even playing right now. If they were getting banned, they’d have been gone by now with the reports I’ve put in.

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Wait a minute.
They have explicitly told everyone that it was against EULA (or ToS, w/e).
They had absolutely no reason to forbid the usage of these 3rd party softwares and multiboxing enabling addons just to not enforce their own EULA.

It makes literally no sense for them to not do that.
All the software providers for Multiboxing that were used by players ceased to provide their application after the EULA was updated.

The only ones that continued were those that were selling more “professional” and that is what smells like crap: the players that were using like 2-3 clients with multiboxing with either cheap or free 3rd party got suspended and some even banned (r/wow had many posts about it back then), but those that really have a real impact in the economy are barely touched.

Blizzard also expects us to chase those players to report them “if we are bothered that much”.


Ive made quite a bit just grabbing ore nodes the last week.
I must be posting them at the right time.

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Where did I say that I’m losing sleep over anything?
Just because I do not agree with your opinion means I’m seething? Is that how you feel when others disagree with you?

Can’t people just have different opinions and discuss like adults or human beings or do they have to be angry dudes like you?

They can have it against EULA and whatever else they want, but it hasn’t stopped the massive groups that have been flying around. Never has and it never will. Big thing is, they might ban the smaller groups of multiboxers. Might even give them brief bans or suspensions… But permanent ban? No. That’s losing too much money.

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Ive seen as many boxers this expansion as any other. lol.
I think they have a harder time with it now, at least eight boxing like Ive seen in the past, at least if they want to fly

Given the sheer number of people on here that say mulitboxing is botting…

It helps to comprehend what exactly multiboxers can be banned for before you start insulting people. Maybe go read the rules.

Again, it depends on how they’re multiboxing.

Wrong. We literally had an argument with someone about this in CS last year when three of their accounts got perma banned for this, because they refused to comprehend that the input software they were using (they kept calling it an addon) was against the rules.

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Well, that definitely didn’t prevent those more “professional” workers in wow to do that. Even in Shadowlands before pathfinder was introduced there were Druids running around in Maldraxxus in a “perfect” route that your only option to farm decently for yourself was to /follow the druid.

Since DF wasn’t designed around ground mounts it literally blocked them until now.

The people that do those multiboxxes would just start new accounts with the amount of gold they’ve amassed during the time.

The “coppers in the gold” that they’re selling things that makes literally not worth for us doing, for them is like raining gold.

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So basically using a 3rd party software that can control a dozen plus accounts seems like what we are speaking of here in most cases, not a simple keystroke macro that controls maybe one other account. That seemed easy enough to parse as you said:

input software they were using (they kept calling it an addon) was against the rules.

The people that do those multiboxxes would just start new accounts with the amount of gold they’ve amassed during the time.

^ maybe, if they have access to the account to send gold or haven’t spent it all after converting it to Blizzard balance. Otherwise they are SoL on a banned account if the gold hasn’t been converted, least far as I am aware there.