I was wrong about TBC flying

Lmao. nope.

bots were botting since day 1. they go via teleporting and traveling under the ground like they always do.


It didn’t.


Did anyone stop to think that maybe no one cares about you making money on the AH when they’re making gameplay decisions? If I had to pick one sect of players to leave behind entirely as we move into 11.0, it would be people whose main focus is playing the AH


It definitely did lol

No. It didn’t. Botting has been happening since day one of DF. Dragonriding hindered nothing for bots. It’s been talked about time and time again. Bots aren’t as stupid as you think they are. They programmed dragonriding, they teleport through terrain, etc. This isn’t new.

Nothing changed for them. They had all of beta to figure out how to cheese dragonriding and succeeded.

You’ll live with cheaper mats like we always have.

Here, have an example:

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There is absolutely nothing ‘condescending’ about my response. I used an age old humorous tag to highlight that thinking gold farming players were not active in DF would be a tad naieve at best.

Multiboxers come in various formats. One example is a druid in ground travel form with another character riding it; this was particularly seen in Maldraxxus and other zones in Shadowlands and I’m fairly sure it has happened in Dragonflight as well. Same thing for flying using dynamic flight - you can carry another character on the same drake.

That, my young Dwarf, is called - multiboxing. Whether it is 2 or 10, its operating multiple accounts together.

And I saw on a number of occasions a crowd of characters working together to kill rapidly respawning mobs in particular areas. Could have been a number of players, but some of them seemed to be almost certainly mboxing.

If they aren’t farming for items for gold, I don’t know why they would otherwise do it. And I checked the price of herbs prior to the patch release and they were very, very cheap. On November 4 Hochenblume was 42s each. Today the same quality Hoch are 79s each, so they have actually increased in price. (Source quoted: Oribos Exchange as at this time and date, from price graphs of earlier days).


They dont like flight , but they hate old flight more because their lowbie gank fodder can evade them, lol. Thats literally the ONLY reason theyre so obsessed with this in here.
if i cared enough, Id hound them about it until the just admitted it like everyone else finally has when cornered about it enough.

there is literally ZERO reason for them to care if anyone else is flying.
that ‘muh immerzion’ crap is just that…a hoax.
If they really wanted immersion theyd just go play their game like they want to play it.
instead they troll and bait the forum worrying themselves to sleep at night because you and I can fly in game.

The ONLY reason for that, regardless of denials, is they are mad that low level characters can get away from them or avoid them altogether.
There isnt any other rational reason for worrying about other players flying in game lol


Yup. Bots dont need flight. I dont know how this is even a joke in here lol.
When i see bots theyre always on the ground farming instances, not nodes.
Boxers are what I see farming nodes.

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I made a killing from mining + herbing in the first month of DF

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lol…and that happens EVERY expansion when everyone has bought all the mats they need to level up their professions.
Jesus christ…Ive only been playing since Legion and even I caught onto that OBVIOUS pattern lol.
They arent buying your crap like they were early on because they dont need it like they did then.
That has nothing to do with boxers, flight or even bots. lol

Those rousing orders were going for a mint.

No body said bots didn’t exist lol you’re nit reading man

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Is this how you think? I never thought of that.
Weird way of expressing your opinions by projecting them onto others.


I will forever be in favor of the ‘one account’ rule that’ll never be implemented and getting rid of a WoW token. It encourages people to just go out and multibox because you can pay for 9 accounts pretty easily with it and then on top of that buy out the merch store and all toy/mounts on the in game store.

Sure. Every expansion when they add pathfinder the flocks come and harvest everything and prices go down drastically.

Because 1 day before pathfinder came out the prices were steady and stable. I guess everyone leveled exactly 1 day before pathfinder was available.

That is impeccable timing. Sure it has nothing to do with Multiboxers and their flocks of flying druids flying around like locust swarm has nothing to do with that.

Why even bother discuss if you’re going to argue like that? At least put up some valid argument if you wanna defend Multiboxers like that.

There’s only one positive about normal flying coming to Dragonflight - It’s much easier to catch up your alts because mats are cheaper and much more easily accessible. Outside of that, old world mats still sell real well and with the multiboxers more focused on Dragonflight? Just go to Cata or anywhere else. Those prices are gonna soar with lower competition.

You’re claiming botting was hindered by dragonriding. I just proved to you it wasn’t.

Don’t move goalposts.


What market? Have not seen one for gathered mats at all since week one of DF! I have not made a single gold selling mats, but have made a good chunk buying the cheap mats since the second week of DF!

Lol, I hate multiboxing but to think that they didn’t do it because dragonriding is bs also.


They just made it worse and only “pros” now have multibox that goes “undetected” or “rarely” banned by Blizzard.

No one can convince me that 20 druids flying around are not using a 3rd party software or a hardware to control all of them in a way that makes nearly impossible for blizzard to auto detect them.

Can’t say that isn’t the case, it is just that people are in denial to admit that TBC flying enables them to do that. It is like “oi matey, they were doing that already with dragon riding haven’t you been playing?”.

You literally have been moving goal posts throughout this post. You were the one that were so confused with OP’s post about multiboxing and went straight default to “bot”.

You can’t blame others for being as confused as you are, my friend.

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