I was wrong about TBC flying

Yes, thats the title.
I’ve been wishing I had access to TBC flying from the very beginning of Dragonflight. I was never a fan of dragon ridding but I was able to do the things I needed. I’m so glad I can ride my favorite mounts, finally, as most people do as well.

However, now that I have TBC flying I’m worried about the economy collapsing, finally.
Every zone I go I see about multibox armies flying together and grabbing everything. The ore and herb prices are down by 36% since 10.2 landed. We wonder why. Usually the trend was going up at beginning of new season due to new raid/season.

I play on Illidan, Sargeras, Stormrage and Area-52. I see in absolutely all DF zones these “multibox armies”. Basically it is roughly 15-20 druids flying and gathering, everything. TBC flying enabled them to do it so. But it is worse when I shift to a smaller server shards. There is where they’re doing their worst.

I’ve played DF enough to say that it wasn’t happening with Dragon riding. It doesn’t take much to understand why they couldn’t do it. Now I wonder if I didn’t partake in a smear campaign against dragon riding as part of a bigger lobby from the multibox cartel here in the forums.


Dynamic flight not only made flight engaging, but really screwed with multiboxers. Gathering hasnt been a great way to make gold since week 1, but it wasnt horrendous. Now its really over.


Sometimes you find the joy, and other times, the joy finds you!


The new season hasn’t started yet, so the only people buying are those who are either very advanced planning or trying to make money. Things will probably spike quite a bit in the next week or two.


always low level alts.


Bots have been botting since day one of dragonriding. This isn’t new and isn’t just from static flying.


People refuse to understand this concept, bots will always bot no matter what Blizz does, they will always find a way. People just like to blame static flying because it’s an easy target.


Welcome to Sunday!

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And its 5 o’clock somewhere

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i love seeing those bots. seeing a army of bots farming means there gonna flood the market and make things even cheaper.


TBC flying has no impact on bots. They were teleporting around and using DR to get nodes before.


Sounds like a win!


OP hasn’t said a word about bot.
He said multiboxxers.

They’re not the same, if you didn’t know yet.

Multiboxxing gathering, yes, it is back with TBC flying.


It’s irrelevant as to whether it’s a bot and his 4 characters botting up mats or a multiboxer getting mats. It’s still a bunch of stuff being sold on the AH and it’s still not going to tank the market all of a sudden.


The forums usually use them in a synonymous way. Which is why people pushed for restrictions on multiboxxing. And if it’s just multiboxxers and not bots, nothing would restrict them because they can still use DR.


Druid flocks are bots. Just watch them. I remember them from Naz’jatar, making farming Zin’anthid a nightmare.

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This! People act like mats don’t severely go down in value anyway after the first week of new mats being released. Despite the troll post claims, mats still went down in price significantly even with DR.


It is not irrelevant. You’re making it sound irrelevant because it doesn’t fit your narrative.
They are not the same thing.

It is not a bot and 4 characters botting it up.
It is even regular players - you could be one of them for example - with almost 20 accounts multiboxxing.

They can’t. You can’t have 20 druids in flight form following each other in dragon riding.

Dragon ridding made that literally impossible, because each character would have to use their dragon riding flight commands to fly. Can’t simply /follow dragon riding, you should know it.

Well, they can be. But also not.

Are you new to this game? It is actually the opposite. From the week before the release of the new raid (and mythic opens next week, you’re welcome) up to the next couple weeks things are always expensive, or at least tend to keep up with the existing prices.

It is only going down this way because the multiboxxers are benefiting from TBC flying to flood the AH with their cheap obtained mats.

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There is no narrative. Bots and multiboxers never went away. They didn’t suddenly appear with static flying out of the blue. I’ve been reporting them since day one (bots, that is.)

Tell me you’ve never seen bots farming in Dragon Isles without telling me.

This isn’t even a thing anymore. You might want to read up on how multiboxing works nowadays due to the new rules.

You can’t have 20 accounts multiboxing anymore either.

It didn’t. They could still multibox with another character.

I can’t take you seriously anymore when you just make stuff up. Mats have been dirt cheap since launch, due to bots. Now they stay the same due to multiboxing.

You cannot multibox with 20 accounts anymore. Learn what’s actually going on in the game before you comment. I’m not even engaging further with this misinformation of yours.


It obviously did not. Because I saw them all of the time.

Not new and have seen the mats go down consistently after week 1.

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