I was wrong about TBC flying

Considering that Blizzard bans in “waves” they might’ve been able to send off the gold already.

Even the “communities” are still strong even though it is not allowed those level 1 characters across many realms selling raid services anymore.

I would give so much to see run sellers disappear, too. Getting rid of them and the ability to multibox would improve the game so much despite what the multiboxers in here are saying. Allowing one person to effectively have a monopoly on the markets because they are buying 19 accounts does not help the game because blizzard isn’t doing anything to improve their game with the money. It’s only helping people quickly profession level on alts, maybe, not that it was hard to do to begin with. Ensuring only a handful of people have gold in their pockets because of sheer number of herbs/ore sold is by them posting and reposting is garbage. Yeah, no one else wants to sell at a decent price to maybe offset the cost of playing this game by paying their sub in gold.

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I have read so many angry comments towards my post. I didn’t make it to infuriate or upset anyone. I am truly sorry if by any chance it made anyone upset or angry.

I was just sharing my honest feedback. That is how I feel.

I will just ask others that if you want to disagree with me or anything, just be respectful. There is no need for personal attacks.

They know the difference between bots and boxers. They arent that unintelligent.
They use that bots crap when talking about boxers to be insulting in a cheap, lazy underhanded way. They know its not the same thing or the same people.


it wasnt your post so much as the other anti flight trolling sorts who infest these flight threads and make a fight out of it every time.
Even if we were trying to be civil, theyd drag it down to a brawl regardless with the name calling, insults, etc. Happens pretty much every time.

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They offer a good time for cash.
Kinda like the oldest profession on earth.

It was definitely hindered. Not seeing swarms of flight form druids mass gathering and the massive drop in mats this week proves that botting was hindered until regular flying was added

yawn /10char

So Scapegoaters will scapegoat, the history of WoW.


The mats prices followed the SAME pattern they HAVE since i started this game.
EArly on the rich players are buying everything posted to level professions. They’ll pay any price they have to pay.
As it winds down, they dont need anymore and the price drops…duh.

it has nothing to do with bots and or boxers.
its supply and demand.


they were out there…there just werent very many of them.

No. It wasn’t. Don’t tell me how it’s “hindered” when you don’t even play on low pop servers— where they come to bot/multibox and I constantly have to report the bots.

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They may be different, but they can also be the same people doing both; botting while afk and bush/ore standing, and also boxing whenever they are actively playing. I’ve seen them both and there are plenty of youtube videos out there of people doing just that to show a ‘afk profit per hour’.

It’s supply and demand, until there’s more supply than demand and mostly because boxers will go out on so many accounts, gather 3+ per character, and then post a couple thousand at a time and utterly flood the market. It wouldn’t be so bad if they didn’t usually undercut by about 60% to ensure they are the cheapest and quickly bought.

the point is this late in the expansion there is no real DEMAND for your mats.

If I would agree with you, I just wonder why:

  • Mats availability for most consumables/crafting have more than doubled since pathfinder came out
  • Prices have dipped below their 50% previous price which was steady until 10.2 came out.

If anyone says “it has always happened”, I would say no, there is no coincidence. It is the availability of the current TBC flying that ended up enabling this scenario to happen.

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yawn /10ch