I was wrong about TBC flying

What a bad take, what about people with disabilities or accessibility issues? how are they going to fly?


They just added features to allow them to use dragon riding without motion sickness.
The problem is: TBC flying should never been unlimited and unrestricted like it was.
You shouldn’t be able to fly for hours without landing on that mount.

It should’ve been limited with a duration on how long you can fly until you have to dismount and have your mount rest.

It was a bad implementation back then and they couldn’t simply take it away. If it would’ve been implemented today, 100% it would be more similar to dragon riding.

Actually, dragon riding is the way they should’ve been implemented.

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I’ve seen some suspected multiboxing around events like the Superbloom and rares, but not for anything that would affect the economy.

I’ve seen very few players at all out gathering in the new zone even with the new mats turn-in weekly where you can blow hundreds of mats in a week.

kals a troll, just ignore em


I would tell them, they have implemented and are implementing more features and options to make dragon riding easier for those who “HAVE” issues.

TBC flight needs to go away.

ugh…and the bots who were already farming all expansion and already have the AH prices down to dirt? lmao.
and NOW youre gonna start paying attention???

1 post alt.
Wonder why that is, lol

Remove gold. Lets barter in achievement points

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The only reason for this position is "muh gank fodder’.
Other than that theres literally ZERO valid reason for you to be concerned if someone wants to AFK in the sky for 20 minutes to go to the restroom and grab a sammich

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So removing one feature is fine because you don’t like it, but another is not fine?


To hades with lesser abled players, didnt you get the memo these jokers sent out? lol
You really got to start wondering about the person itself when its taking positions like they do about crap that has ZERO bearing on its own existence that would hinder, limit or inconvenience other persons.

doesnt flipping matter what the OP isnt talking about. Bots ARE a factor in this issue…period…
Bots have been running amok since the first month. IF the economy has been trashed, duh, bots were a factor in that.

And now…nearly a year later…the AH prices have TANKED entirely…NOW the OP is starting to sweat about?

1 post alt. lol
Im calling troll thread, personally

Really all of this is just the anti-flying people trying to make up a new argument. It is clear from a lot of their posts here that they just don’t like flying in the first place.


That’s because the new zone doesn’t have anything new to gather, and probably because it’s populated now, most multiboxers don’t really hide, but they will try to avoid people if they can.

:point_up_2: :point_up_2: :point_up_2:

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Can’t speak to stuff like rousing air etc but isn’t there also a crapton of mats entering the economy from non gatherers this patch thanks to seed rep farming? pretty sure each of those dewdrop rewards grant a small handful of mats, on their own not a big deal but i imagine if you add up the amount of people rep farming it, it adds up

There are bots out there to do quests more effectively than anyone could, even if they have to walk only, not really a problem for them.

Rousing orders…Jesus…I made a murderous rampaging killing off those things early expansion they were going for so much gold.
I cleared over 800k just farming when I was bored this time. didnt even bother flipping anything. Just mining and all that extra stuff dropping and all those rich players just throwing their gold at the AH, lol

Conspiracy theories of the worst most crackpot type. Also, got news for you, your precious dragon flight is no more akin to actual RL flight than so called “air swimming” wtf that means. I don’t know anyone who swims in 3D and never goes up for air, hmm it’s almost like it isn’t apt or something.

I wanted traditional flying from the very beginning, and not only am I not a member of any “cartel” but I don’t even have any friends who play this game. I am not connected to anyone or anything. I simply, get ready for it, prefer basic flying.

Personally I don’t give af if there’s bots or not either. I am double gathering and when I want to make money I go back to legion or bfa where crap actually pays out. Have also realized that it’s not basic ore that’s the money, it’s the procs, rousing junk and khazgorite or whatever it’s called. Basic ore and basic herbs are worthless and they have been the entire expansion, so you all need to stop acting like flight has made any kind of difference.


Entering warmode to afk.

Warmode should either disable TBC flight or allow tbc mounts to be knocked down by whirling surge.

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We now have definitive proof that regilar flight being restricted hindered botting, which is what OP is saying