I was wrong about TBC flying

“Bots always Bot so TBC flying doesn’t matter”

“People always get cancer so drinking a plutonium slushy doesn’t matter!”


Nah. Being able to trade consumables is good. Being able to trade loot you don’t need is good. Being able to trade mats for crafting is good. Being able to trade gold to a friend is good.

Bots are something we just have to deal with. If that means most normal players just avoid gathering professions because they’re not profitable compared to less bottable alternatives, fine.

Restricting trade in an MMO is idiotic and is the kind of thing a solo player would suggest.

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They could litteraly just buff loot drops and remove trading and you wouldn’t see much of a difference.

The whole trading circle doesn’t exist when most people just pay gold for it and ignores it.

I have probably done way more group content than you anyway, so calling me a solo player is still kinda funny.

You must be someone that benefits from RMT if you value trading.

Why is it called TBC flying? This is new to me, them again I have been out of touch for a bit.

Because Flight was introduced in TBC and they’re differentiating it from Dragonriding, which is new.

“Traditional Flight” is the actual term Blizzard is using.

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Bots existed before flying and would still exist if all forms of flying were removed, they don’t need flying. Again, this whole thing just comes across as a thinly veiled remove static flying thread.


look at who you just quoted, thats exactly what it is.

Dragon Riding only slowed them down. I have seen 1 particular group on multiple occasions. There is a guild on Area 52 that has only 27 players, that have been farming chests and nodes for months. They are mostly druids, all wearing 382 greens. They all have similar names, travel around on the exact same drake and fly the exact same pattern. They are either being phased to other servers or have someone grouping with them to pull them to other servers. I don’t play on Area 52, but I have seen them farming on the server I play on daily for months now.

We don’t have dynamic flying.

Dragonflying feels very nice when flying on long distances, and I’m glad it’s staying, but they really didn’t think through gathering to work with it. They had an idea with those caves, but I wish they went all in with it so that there were 3-4 of those mines across the zone and you would fly between them and mine several nodes inside instead of having to land for an individual node.

What’s the worst was that you couldn’t see right away what node it was on a fly by. There was no time to mouseover and check if it’s a rare node which felt extra bad.

Or… members of the same cartel.
Remember the communities back then and their damage control on forums whenever the topic was risen?

Seems like they’re all at this again.

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Ah, thank you

If you think gold farmers weren’t operating in DF prior to this patch, I have a handsome bridge to sell you.


How does flying crash the economy? As if you can’t get to a node on your dragon anyway right? So is there somehow magickly someone going to spam 100000 ore on the AH just cause we got TBC flying back? Come on get real it doesn’t give that much of a advantage.

? Yes we do? Dynamic flight = Dragon riding. Same thing, different name

No, Morgan Day said in the deep dive that there are aspects of dragon riding that will remain exclusive to the Dragon Isles. Dynamic flying is similar but they haven’t given us all the details, such as how our mounts will handle both forms of flying.

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Yeah calling old flying “noclipping” was not for the memes. The very design of it is overly simplistic, perfect for botting. I noticed the same since the patch came out - botters flying in an army gathering things. It’s really time we move past this outdated mechanic.

Yep. A nice “feature”, from a buyer angle, of retail. Its bots charge nicer prices than the classic ones lol.

man i wish there was a laugh option… some of these takes make me laugh how dumb they are.

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Oh, how the turn tables.