I was trying Wotlk classic for the new promotion mount

That’s not how I look at it. To me, it’s more of an “Obsolete WoW” Vs “Efficient Modern WoW”.

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Sunday’s tomorrow, bub.

I feel the same way. I figured it would be easy enough to jump back into stuff I knew really well but I was really unprepared for how clunky and annoying it was to play.

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In wrath 2 now and it is so boring compared to retail but hey if you like classic then great i am glad you are still here.

I would say 1000x better. Getting the mount yesterday was one of the most tedious and boring things I’ve ever endured.

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I guess you should have waited to post until tomorrow then. Retail over Classic 100%.

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That is the point of DKs…

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I swear they had to have adjusted the chance to get a confession because they knew the mount would have zones crowded. I was dreading that quest today because there was a fair number of people in the zone questing in the area. Took me a minute just to find an eligible mob, but first hit on that first mob and I get it… Never had that happen in the 50-60 times I’ve done that quest.


RNG smiled on you. Took me over a dozen mobs.



/10 char

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It’s the same game.

More stats =/= RPG. Retail has a bunch of stats too. FPS games have Stats. Some RPGs have very simple stats, some more complex, some none at all.

Retail is like this too.

That’s subjective. Retail has a story too that spans the entire expansion and brings you from leveling into dungeons into raiding all the tiers.

Funny, Shadowlands is full of the Knights of the Ebon Blade stuff. Since you know, they’re the main protagonist and Bolvar is literally leading the charge into the Shadowlands.

So basically, we still have yet to hear a single RPG Element you think Wrath has that Retail just doesn’t also have.

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oh god, that’s a horror story. I usually finish it by my tenth.

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quite ironic that you’re posting that today then, innit?

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You shouldn’t have posted at all with a take that bad.

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BLIZZARD opened pandora’s box with a lot of the conveniences we have now. 310 flying is so easy, boosting levels is legal, buying gold is legal, buying runs with the gold you bought is legal, etc.


I’m having fun doing it for the mount. It’s taking me a while because I don’t have a lot of time. But as much as I’m enjoying it, I really miss the quality of life changes that have been made to WoW over the years. I doubt I’ll play it much, if at all, after I get the mount.

Note: I love achieves, and Wrath does have that, so there’s a slight chance I’ll log in for some of those.

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Retail is lightning fast compared to previous iterations in just about every way. Gold and loot rain from the sky, quests uptook pass like gale-stricken leaves, groups form, do their thing and bolt with the haste of pedestrian mobs shuffling along the crosswalks of a bustling thoroughfare on a red light, and so on. A life bereft those things after having had them for so long, in some cases having only known life with them, seems mad, nearly inconceivable to some.


In my day we called it “pre-BC”

It’s horribly boring. Couldn’t even finish all 40ish quests for the mount in 1 sitting was falling asleep.

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Playing for a couple of hours to get the mount proved to me just what garbage Classic is. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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