I was just held hostage in a m+...help?

Ope. Different green warrior.

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Just ignore them

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I’m fairly certain the only automated account action that players can initiate is a temporary chat squelch if enough people report you for chat reasons. And I don’t know that 4 people is enough to trigger that. Pretty sure it’s more.

Anything else, player reports aren’t doing crap and have to be reviewed. Not trading personal loot is 100% not a reportable offense and it’s more likely that they get actioned for abusing the report system than for you to be actioned on it.

(But, again, gotta watch your language, or you might get hit tangentially because chat logs will be reviewed).

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trading is not a requirement in this game.

Is “I was told I was reported by 4 people” the new forum trend?

Cause this is popping up a few times.

I don’t doubt that this happened. I was in a guild group that was trolling mythic + where they mess around the ENTIRE time then vote kicked me RIGHT before the boss died. Then if you said ANYTHING to any of them about it they’d mass report me. It’s for this reason that ANY groups that que up when I’m on my healer/tank I immediately decline their request. It’s to easy when you invite a group that give them the majority for them to dictate how things are going to go and since they have majority they can make or break you key. Not worth it.

Have you been reported by a group?

OP is known troll so I doubt this happened

FYI this can’t happen in game. People tried this on me and indeed you will be booted but you won’t leave the instance until it’s determined if the group wiped or not. If they don’t you still get loot because you were still part of the team at the start of battle.

I think it’s just any excuse to not show anything that might not perfectly line up with his narrative.

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lol no, the fact ur asking this tho makes me want u to get banned.

Words have meaning. You were not held hostage. At worst you were being threatened and it’s an incredibly hilarious threat at most. Once an item is in your bags, it is yours plain and simple. What you do with that gear after is your call. Actions may have consequences, but those consequences are purely social.

For example, say you actually liked running with those 4 people and you’d like to play again with them
well now you just blown your shot from that happening. Say it was a guild and personal loot came back and you got a drop they deemed, being the arrogant and egotistical narcissist donkeyhats that they are, that your drop is deserved more by someone else and they demand you trade it and if you refuse, you’re booted from the raid and guild. That is a social punishment for not doing things their way and Blizzard isn’t going to step in and actually punish either party/side.

I distinctly remember being mocked then kicked from group. Then when I called them out, they mass reported me. It was on Bracken, last boss, they allowed me to respawn and never killed the boss, they just healed through damage never allowing me to really do anything until I left. I didn’t receive anything other a warning from blizzard because of ‘MY’ behavior. This did and can happen in game.

I didn’t know that if this happens you won’t be removed from the dungeon, I guess I was so upset about the matter I just got fed up with the whole thing and left on my own accord.

Lol no you can’t be banned for refusing to trade loot you got and don’t want to trade. It’s yours.

If anything these 4 should get a silence for abusing the report system.

Sounds like something a bunch of kids would say/do
 Didn’t realize zoomers and younger generations even played MMOs :rofl:

With enough reports the system auto bans people.

Only with intervention by a GM will it change anything. And from what I have seen, once you get enough auto bans the GM’s will just tell you to suck it up.

If they said that then you will not get banned and keep the ring. they have zero power for that. You will not get banned for refusing to trade an item you received from the system.

They could get you a temp ban for them spam reporting you by the system but you can get it easily appealed via support. chances are their spam shouldn’t get you banned but i would take down their names and if you see them again don’t run with them.

Temp ban on my account for no reason sounds like a crisis

No, it isn’t because you’re making it up.