I was just held hostage in a m+...help?


Yeah if at any point you said anything bad, like even if it’s a bad word that people use all the time that means the same thing as “crap,” they can blackmail you with that

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you can laugh in their face and make fun of them, though.
also take a screenshot. juuust in case.


just leave the group and let them make the whispers…ofc your reports won’t do anything cuz blizz has a fail system for that…but at least they’re perma ignored!

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Yea getting grouped with 3-4 friends and then you allways makes me nervous. All I keep thinking is these young kids with gang mentality probably gonna kick me for the lols

If it were me, I’d just be like “lol ok” then just hearth out. But as long as you didn’t use any bad language or argued with them inappropriately then you’re fine. If something does come from this it’ll just be a warning.

As much as I like this.

What I would do for this.

I would screenshot that tell and whisper conversation and then report them and submit those screenshots with the ticket and make a counter argument of players exploiting the report/bot banning system. Submitting a Ticket gets a human to review it. It’s also a violation of the social contract and also since trolling is considered to be controlling someone’s behavior that as well. Doubt anything would come of it but the dev if he’s doing his job will put a note in your account to disregard the recent reports on your account.

Too bad you weren’t on an enchanter. Imagine the hate speech after they saw “Greenwarrior receives crystal”. That would have given you legitimacy in reporting them.

Yes you can trigger a thing with the automated system but if a real GM sees it nothign will happen

Too bad these aren’t FFXIV gms, they would ban the loot extorters in a flash after GM jail.

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tell them to screw off and leave then get a entire guild to mass report them

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Totally this. Got caught in a raid with a bunch of guildies. One was rolling on tier tokens and passing them to their guildy. Would never have known but the twit had the audacity to pop it right then and there.

The automated system might hit you with a silence or something, but once a human looked at it you would be fine. Personal loot belongs to you, no one else.

No. And they will get banned for abuse of the report feature.

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Nobody would play a game that would ban you for not giving up loot.

Green warrior is def a troll he is on my ignore list for spamming trade.

This never happened.

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What? I never talk in trade!

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No you can’t. The automated system will check if you went insane in the chat first. If you used some concerning terms you will get an timeout. If not you are fine

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No you can’t get banned for that. It’s your loot. Period. The others were being jerks and if they did report you it wouldn’t come to much, if anything after being reviewed. Especially if you remained polite and didn’t engage in behavior that violates the CoC.

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