I was just held hostage in a m+...help?

I wish, it was a traumatic experience

You can literally be banned for multiple ppl reporting you without a human reviewing the ban at all. So yes, your account could have been locked until you appealed it.

Theyā€™re on record stating they will abuse the report function because you didnā€™t give them a piece of loot that you have zero requirement to give them. If this is the whole of your story then you are entirely innocent here.

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No, mass reports may work in other games, but not wow. They could get banned for even just saying that.

No, but thatā€™s harassment and you could and should have reported them for it. It takes far more than 4 reports to be banned by the automated system. Report and block kids like this.

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You shouldā€™ve just emote massaged each of their shoulders as you were hearthing, only silence, oh and eye contact. Maybe add a little groan right before the end of the cast.

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That was your big mistake. Should not have given them the ring. But nothing to worry about.
Although I would report them for harassing/bullying you into giving them the ring. The threatened you by saying that they were going to report you if you didnā€™t give them the ring. So right there is two violations of the TOS. Threats and abusing the Report/Ticket system.

This community is complete garbage

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Is this a real question?

Yes, it seems like i canā€™t get in trouble but im still nervous

One time I had a guy try to beg a raid boe off me. I put him on ignore as soon as he got irate at me telling him for all I knew he was going to sell it and I needed it for an alt. I think he may have genuinely not understood it was a boe but I didnā€™t have time for that.

Obviously nothing happened other than my ignore list grew by one. Donā€™t say anything naughty to these people and you can jack them at their own game by reporting them if need be.


Did you watch those videos you linked?

Dont be nervous about fake events.

Thatā€™s not a ban. Thatā€™s a automated silence. Although there is also automated squelches but Iā€™m unclear on the what the difference is.

Blizz will very rarely ever permanently ban/indefinitely suspend people anymore. Most severe suspensions are probably around the 6 month mark. Perhaps a year at most from what I hear. The moment you start talking about multiple year ā€œsuspensionsā€, then I would consider that a ifsofacto ban. Iā€™ve seen reports of ā€œsuspensionsā€ that would only expire after a few hundred years lol.