I was just held hostage in a m+...help?

If you gonno go down then drag them down with you


“no appeal” is your choice.
everyone has the option to appeal any account action.
the only reason to not appeal, is if you know any further investigation isn’t going to change the outcome.

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The email I received said not to appeal, that appeals would be disregarded.

it should have said that you can appeal until no further appeals will be considered.


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that’s… not a screenshot.

but even if it’s a direct copy/paste, it doesn’t say don’t appeal.

it just says support staff won’t overturn the action, and appeals may not be responded to.

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It says they won’t overturn it. I’m not sure why you think there is some point in appealing and maybe fighting for months on the issue if they won’t overturn the ruling.

I’m also not sure why you think you deserve access to my personal information you could glean from a screenshot.

Nope, not even a little.
As long as you did not use any foul language, or be rude to them in any way, and just said that you need it (civilly) and left, you’re fine.

You can only be reported in a M+ if you’re mean/nasty, in language (swearing, insulting, etc) or action (pulling a boss and hearthing type stuff, intentionally killing a run). You can never be in trouble for leaving (you don’t even have to give a reason), or keeping loot that is yours.

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Ive heard of people getting hit with auto bans and just getting auto responses from blizzard if they try to fight it. I feel like im risking my account every time i group with people now!

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I feel ya. I just don’t say anything that could in ANY way be taken as mean/insulting/etc.
Join group → “hi, thx for inv :slight_smile: omw”
I will occasionally offer tactics during a run, but I never call people out, at most I’ll say “don’t stand in the xxxxx” or something
End of run → “thx for run all”

And that’s about it when it comes to pugs. If someone asks if I need anything I got, if I don’t and feel like trading it, I’ll trade, otherwise I say “yes, sorry I need it”, and leave.

Following all of this, I’m not worried about being reported for anything, because I wouldn’t be afraid to argue with Blizzard over it, because I KNOW I’m not saying anything wrong. No insulting acronyms, no passive-agressiveness, I just move it along. They’d be able to see all of this in the logs for sure.


You can just edit out any personal infos. Like, draw a black rectangle over anything you do not want shown.

I am very confused on how you think someone can get your personal info from an ss?
Are you referring to metadata? If so, just use the copy pasta paint program method and gg.

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The better question is, if you could, would you want to keep playing anyway?

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I love blizzard games so i would defiantly buy another copy but i wish i wasnt false banned

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Now if you said anythinf stupid then chat vanned for a bit but other wise no

I gotta know… did you give them the ring?

Yes i didnt want to be banned what else was i supposed to do?

Personally I would have not given them the ring or be so gullible.

Nope. :dracthyr_love_animated: You’re in the clear.

Or would be if any of this actually happened.


I would have DE’d the ring.

Reaction would have been worth.

Or another item in bags if you had one.

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No. It’s your loot. You don’t have to trade it. Regardless of your language you don’t have to trade the loot if you don’t want to. And threatening to make a false report where a mod can just recall the logs is just asking for themselves to be banned.