I want to talk to a supervisor

your customer service is terrible. one of your cs reps suspended my account over complete bs. i was participating in the pvp evet in hellfire in classic and people kept reporting me because i kept killing alliance at towers. well since its not a bannable offense they decided to dig up crap from days ago to ban me for that instead…and a 7 day ban at that! to justify the ban they added something in the reason for the ban that is completely stupid and is proof they are just fishing for ways to ban me because they cant ban me for the reason they actually wanted to ban me for…“i killed the ally scum” that is the phrase they said they banned me for!

i want to talk to a supervisor because this is a clear and blatant abuse of power of the cs rep that gave me a 7 day ban. i’ve had a ticket open for almost 3 days. you guys are so unprofessional it is just ridiculous.

It’s doesn’t work like that. You don’t get to.

If you need to appeal a suspension, file an appeal ticket. Nothing can be done about here on the forums, best that will happen is your post will be locked or 404ed as we are NOT allowed to discuss account actions here.


i’ve had a ticket open for 3 days dude. i cant get a hold of anyone to lift this stupid suspension. this isnt giving any account information, this is me wanting to talk to a supervisor over the behavior of blizzards customer service reps. i should be able to talk to a supervisor if i as for one. if they arent replying to my appeal then wtf am i supposed to do? just wait the 7 days for saying i killed an ally scum? i’m pretty sure there are RP scenes in the game that say the same thing lol.

You are gonna have to wait for your appeal ticket. We get you are frustrated with ticket times, Blizzard is too, But going full Karen isn’t gonna help either. The GMs are not gonna discuss this with you. When you file an appeal, they send it to a new team and go over the logs to make sure no mistakes was made.


The only way to talk to one is via the ticket system. The forums isn’t that system.


This sounds like you got a penalty for language that you were reported for previously. It takes time to get to reports, which is why the suspension happened days later.

Participating in PvP won’t get you in trouble. Saying things that your fellow players feel is against the rules will though.

You won’t be talking to a supervisor or anyone directly about your appeal. That is done via ticket only. When your ticket is completed you should get a survey you can fill out regarding customer support.

Keep in mind that right now the ticket queue is very very backed up. Ticket times are around 7 days. Your appeal will be answered when it comes up in queue.


ok so 3 days to reply to an appeal is acceptable to you then? a multi million dollar company doesnt have enough staff to take care of appeals in a timely manner? do you even understand why i’m “going full karen” its completely unacceptable to take this long to reply to an appeal and even more ridiculous that the customers have no way of talking to a supervisor or anyone for that matter. you used to be able to talk to cs reps on the phone and get situations like this taken care of the same day. oh no some people want to abuse the system and call in about stupid crap? that is no reason to cut your entire customer base off. that is just bad business and they dont care because it doesnt hurt them financially to do so.

The phone system was never for appeals, and yes, people used to abuse it by calling in for appeals that were supposed to be done by ticket.

The wait time on tickets right now is terrible, and nobody will pretend otherwise. It is understandable you are frustrated, but posting here won’t change anything. You are going to have to wait like everyone else.


It’s not, even Blizzard agrees, they are working through the queues the best they can. So right now, sit on your hands and chill.

As for the rest of your post, hyperbolic garbage.


Not only that, but if you said this every time you killed alliance, it could also be spamming.


this is not what happened. they suspended me over the pvp dude. they are using crap said days ago because they know they cant ban me for the world pvp. the ally scum quote was from the night i was pvping in hellfire thats how i know. defending the problem with blizzard csr’s is part of the problem. i would bet money that what i am saying is correct and the real reason for the suspension.


you just want to come here and whine, you got popped for being toxic, only your own side could have reported you. you are providing an edited version to fit your narrative. youve been answered by a moderator and yet you continue your senseless tirade.

give it up, trolling here wont get you any farther than you trolling the pro rdf posts.


“Not only that, but if you said this every time you killed alliance, it could also be spamming.”

you are assuming way too much dude. stop defending blizzards actions. they are pissed that they couldnt ban me for what people were reporting me for so they went fishing and made up a bunch of nonsense in order to suspend my account.

What, and be abused by people like you over the phone?

Yeah right…

I’d say more your ignorance as to why the queues are in high demand right now.

Keep it up, you’ll get a forum vacation too.


That is what you were reported for. They aren’t going to make things up because they have a problem with you. Messing with you is not worth their job and/or career. You’re not special.

Yeah, it sucks right now. It’s a line, and you’re in the middle of it. Nothing is going to change that.


Just a FYI, Mirasol isn’t a mod, just another player.


you got popped for language most likely that your teammates didnt appreciate. youre just trolling trying to get someone to validate your excuse when its obviously NOT what youre trying to pass it off as. ive seen you insulting people all over the forums, its not hard to believe you were toxic in game as well.

just give it up and accept that you got popped.

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Well, with your reactions here, I can see the need for a timeout. You need to dial it back from 11, and chill.


for using the forums for what the are intended for? give me a break. this is a customer support forum…i am a customer who is being refused support.

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I mean, you’re the one who is assuming that you got reported for PvP, and assuming they are “mad because they couldn’t suspend you for something”.