I want to FLY (DH flight form thread)

Because it is not in the lore, if blizzard established in the lore and gives a good reason why DH can fly now, but if they just get flying without establishing why at first only illidan and Legion turned DH could fly but now out of nowhere now all DH can fly it makes no sense for the WoW universe

The lore reason is wings go flap :ok_hand:


They don’t have enough. They should remove soulstone and healthstones from warlocks and give them to DH for a little more utility.

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Then why can only illidan amd DH corupted by legion can fly but no DH NPC can fly, thus with a good reason and backstory to why Player DH can fly it doesnt make sense

It makes plenty of sense. They have wings and they are going to start flapping them. YOU ARE NOT PREPARED

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DH’s are relatively new, there’s not much established lore. Just cause it’s not shown, doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist.

It doesn’t have to make sense in current lore. Bliz can just snap their fingers and make it so. Just like the Thornweavers being Druid humans. Death Druids are the opposite of any previously established druid lore.

You dont understand, it doesnt make sense because no ally DH NPC can fly, so explain to me why can the player fly? There is no explination for that

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Now if there is a well written big quest line like warlocks for green fire (it needs better writting) then yes i can look the other way cause there is story behind why they can fly now, not just boom you can fly now

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This is a discussion forum. That’s kind of the point. people are going to discuss why they disagree.

Last I checked, it’s allowed.

I explained my stance on why it’s a bad idea.

But there IS a Demon Hunter who uses a scythe instead of warglaives. So why can’t my Demon Hunter do that if it’s established in the lore by means of one NPC who can do that?

I imagine if a patch came out and DH’s were suddenly able to fly, you would not, in fact, quit the game due to immersion. If immersion was a problem for you, you’d be gone by now.


I barely play it right now i am hanging on by a thread, there is still a little bit of immersion but last two expansions and massive plotholes really is killing my immersion, so would straw and camels back situation

Everything they add /should/ come with a story. That’s the ideal way to add new features. But they hardly ever do, cause Bliz has gotten lazy.

The lore is full of holes. The lore, the story, all of it, is the equivalent to childrens stories. Further, these stories are always changing or being retconned.

Many people who claim their immersion will be broken, or RP, are some of the most difficult people to talk to – they police EVERYTHING. Which is ironic because RPers are supposed to use their imagination but instead they only imagine what Blizzard tells them to. Doesn’t sound very fun.

I’ve already been pretending my DH can fly for years. You can’t stop me!


Are you a passenger mount? Can I get a ride? :wink:

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I will carry you by the scruff of your neck, like one of the big strong kyrian people.


DHs shouldn’t even exist. Edge teen class

Because if you are going to RP you RP withing the rules of the universe you are in, if i am RP in a star trek game i am not going to add star wars stuff to the RP cause it make no sense, you RP within the estanlished universe

Those are your own rules.

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This is fine