I want to FLY (DH flight form thread)

And now you’re just putting words into my mouth.

I do agree that we do need something, but I disagree that we need to be able to fly. We’re not gargoyles ;).

Personally, I feel like we need another AOE ability (one we don’t have to spec into). Or maybe even another single target ability.

I’m sorry but I don’t HAVE to agree with you just because I play a DH.

Well I’m not suggesting we have a combat flight form. That would be completely silly! And who said anything about increased mobility? Flight form could just as simply be another mount (but really it probably should be functionally consistent with druid flight form.)

And ironically, for all the talk of class abilities being homogenized, they’ve actually given Rain from Above to Holy priests as “Divine Ascension”, so you’re already arguing on the backfoot with that one.


I mean, according to the recent lore about nathrezim origins, that technically is what we are. Seems you’re accidentally arguing the case now? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


People act worse than children on these forums. “If I don’t get anything new, no one else can have anything either!”. Like, go make your own thread and request something for the class you main. Hopefully if you make a request, people won’t be as immature and argumentative for the sake of hearing their own vapid opinions as they are here.

How something that doesn’t effect gameplay - like a flying form with a cast time - bothers people so much is beyond me.

To repeat myself. Demon hunters have wings. Illidan sustains flight during his TBC encounter. He literally flies in the Cathedral of Eternal Night dungeon and Tomb of Sargeras raid. When a priest Levitates us during Metamorphosis, our wings flap. The animations are in the game.


DH are not illidian, we only hold our Demon form for a few seconds where illidan is always in demon form thus we are notvas prowerful orvas full transformed as he is thus we glide and not fly, it is not hard to understand lorewise

It’s a mount form.

It can’t fight.

It can’t herb.

It can’t interact with objects.

Who stole your candy?

Why can’t other people have fun?


It’s weird that Blizz devs give their favorite class, the Druid, everything and the rest of the classes feel like an afterthought to them.

Hey Blizz, I promise you, giving 2 classes a flight form instead of just one, won’t break the game.

If there is any class in the game that should have a flight form, it’s the one WITH WINGS.


This is silly.

Lore =/= gameplay design or mechanics.

I want to fly around in demon form outside of combat. It hurts no one by them adding this.

Dragging lore into something like this lol. Not every druid would be able to turn into a bird either, if lore was being followed. Yet…all player druids can choose to fly around as one in game with the press of a button.


Because regardless of player numbers players are the minority of druids that can go into bird form lore wise, in lore some druids can, but in lore no DH can fly only illidan can, thus i am happy with my DH not flying cause it makes sense for lore

Lore is on the DH’s side then, as they can steal memories and abilities from demons. They can fly far easier than a druid that JUST learned how to be a bird. let alone how to fly.

Remember that quest in the Plaguelands where you help a newbie Druid and he randomly turns into different shapes? yea… that.


Illidan isn’t the only one btw. There’s plenty of DHs who can take on their demon form longer. They’re just… not on our side any more.

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How many DH does it to change a light bulb?

Depends on how many get caught in the fly trap.


No no nooo.
It takes at least 3. As one has to rant about how they sacrificed everything.
Then the other one has to use fel beam and then… uh… IDK…

I think the sensible lore reasoning should be that DHs can’t cast fel lance form their flight form, not that they shouldn’t have flight form altogether.

Honestly, all this amature biology about wings as evolutionary dead-ends is just pedantic hair-splitting. I mean, what am I going to say when I recommend WoW to my old goth mates who all mained Devil Kazuya back in the Tekken 2 hayday? “OH yeah Demon Hunters rule, you’ll love them! But they use their wings to glide, not to fly. You actually use a separate mount for that. I mean technically they’re just evolutionary mutations, and when you think about it certain types of dinosaur had wings but didn’t use them for flight…” he’s going to cancel the installation before I get halfway through any of these half-baked talking points!

Let’s be real. WoW is a much harder sell without DH flight form. I am arguing for WoW’s rejuvenation, you are arguing for its collapse and death. It’s that simple, really!

Alright easy on easy on! First rule of negotiation: start from a position you’re willing to cede ground on! I’m DEMANDING flight-form with full object interaction! And herbalism! AND fel lance!

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Yes because they are infused with more fel energy when joining the legion thus they are getting closer to what illidan is, player DH only have a small amount of fel energy in their blood thus Demon form is very temprary and we cant fly, thus it fits lore, it would be like if player engineers could make flying machines but nowhere in the lore did flying machines exist, it would make no sense lore wise

No. Druids choose a specific animal totem and spend a lifetime learning under it how to control their forms. Druids of the Talon are the ones who dedicate their lives to mastering flight.

Either way, if your headcanon is that demon hunters can’t fly, fine…just don’t use your flight form when Blizzard adds it. The rest of us will.



If Blizzard keeps adding stuff that does not fit in the lore of the universe we are playing sadly i will have stop playing cause i will ruin my slight bit of immersion that is left in the game, if i am not immersed in the game and story what is the point of playing it


I’m pretty sure you can suspend your belief one more time for flying demon hunters?

We have walking talking panda bears, cows, people who can turn into animals, zombies, and so much more zany stuff but demon hunters getting flying to utilize their wings is the breaking point for you? Yeah. Ok.

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Druid here.

I absolutely think DH’s should be able to use their wings to fly (with all the same restrictions as regular flying mounts of course) and I do not believe it takes anything away from the lore or druids.


Someone sensible. Finally. The Malfurion to our Illidan.