I want to FLY (DH flight form thread)

Illidan is a DH and Illidan can fly… you just went against your own argument.

She’s not saying it isn’t allowed, she’s saying your reasoning makes you look pedantic and silly - which it does.

Ok real talk Belaira, I think if you’re putting this much stock in the lore then probably the time to quit was around the point they decided that Sylvanas should throw her lot in with the deity that’s apparently been whispering to the lich king through the helm of domination. If you’re still lurking and doing storyline pedantry in spite of that then maybe it’s because there’s something in the game still keeping you here. Figure out what that is and relish in it, stop fixating on things you don’t like because clearly it’s never going to be enough to actually drive you away. It’s a little tragic seeing you get clowned on like this, cos I can sorta see what your mindset is here.

Warcraft; a traditionally not-at-all edgy franchise. Now that’s a bold take!

This is a very good point, and ample ground from which to build a third, caster spec for DH!

Unironically though. Sometimes you just can’t be stacking casters for those high keystones! A bit of extra healing would be a perfect reason to bring a DH. I already proc enough soul fragments with demonic appetite, why shouldn’t I share the feast? :innocent:


Lore is not something that was handed down from high, engraved on these three (crash), two stone tablets.
It’s random crap that Blizzard made up, and it can and has been changed repeatedly. Game play should never be overshadowed by “Lore”.


If blizzard gives player DH’s flying, it then becomes part of the lore.


Its just one of those things where I’ll have to agree to disagree. Lore arguments are a stalemate 99% of the time. Moving onward.

Flying forms, to me, are really no more than a cosmetic or vanity thing. To me it is not really any different than warlocks being able to make their spells green or whatever. It would just be a bit of cool flavor for us winged peeps.

As long as it came with a cast time, like worgen travel form, then I see no harm in it. Doesn’t even have to work like druid swift flight forms where we could loot or interact with things like they do. Just knock us out of the flight form and make us recast it every time we do something. Make it like a regular mount.

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Game play in MMOs should always happen withing the boundries of the lore, small exceptions can be made but the majority should be bound in lore, and yes i hate it when stories are retconned, they have done it in star trek and many other franchises i have loved growing up, instead of expanding on lore and adding to it they go back and change stuff that fans loved because “the new fans might not like it” well too bad they dont have to they can like the added story but leave establish cannon alone thank you

Also, I don’t think there is anything in this game - anything that doesn’t effect actual game play in dungeons, raids or pvp - that I would get in the way of if another player or class requested it. Especially something that would make them happy. To be that spiteful and bitter and make myself an obstruction in their way… yeah no.

This isn’t a thread about DH’s asking to be more powerful or to give us something to use in dungeons, raids or pvp. Its a harmless new form using the assets that already exist in game. It would be minimal work on Blizzard’s behalf. If they ever add it, it should come at a time where they add class mounts 2.0. so everyone else gets a shiny new thing as well.


Like i said i am ok with my DH getting flying if there was a big questline like the warlock greenfire, where DH have to do it to aquire it so there will be a story behind why they can fly now, not just out of nowhere you can fly now

I am not joking when I say the lore reason is “wings go flap”, you do realise the counter-argument you’re making for that is entirely arbitrary, right? Birds don’t fly because they have increased fel or whatever it is you’re saying. They canonically fly because literally wings go flap.

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No, other the illidain and fel corupted DHs, no there DH can fly even NPCs use flying mounts and glide on their wings, now if they add a questline saying DHs found away to take on more fel energy without being curupted and now are more powerful and can fly, or something along those lines then i am ok with it

I think what’s happened is they didn’t have time to develop animations and pathing for flying DH NPCs so you’ve imagined that the reason for that is lore related. Show me where exactly in the lore they state that some DHs can fly and others can’t - beyond visual circumstance and without referring to blue posts - and I’ll accept you have a point. Otherwise I think you need to acknowledge you’re just blowing hot air on this.

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Nope this is a lore game so if things are not do something at one time and then now are doing it, youust explain it, and not retcon, just create a good explination on why they are doing it now

The explanation is self-evident, they’ve been flying all this time, you just don’t see it because they haven’t animated it in the game yet. It’s implied they fly because they have wings and that’s traditionally what wings do. This isn’t the logical stretch you’re making it out to be.


Its just an adversarial stance at this point. Posting on a level 10 character and holding up the lore as rules. You probably do not even play a DH. I find it hard to believe anyone who plays a DH wouldn’t think a demon flight form would be cool. C’mon.

The PC Demon Hunter has beaten Demon Hunters that have a permanent metamorphosis form, most notably the guy from the Havoc artifact in Legion.

mans either nutty or trolling. idc either way cos it’s bumping the thread LOL


I have been playing since a few months before BC i have a character of every class and race both factions, and yes i love story telling so i focus on any games lore i really like, and i am compromizing with you guys, ok give DH flight but make it a questline like green fire, putva story behind it, never seen people so against more playable content and story,
Green Fire quest is easy you get to use many of the warlock ablities to solve easy puzzles and then a easy boss at the end and boom green fire, do that for DH flight

I’m all for them adding it in as a class mount with an attached questline.

But you’re disregarding the fact that there isn’t a single quest in game that says demon hunters can’t fly. There is no lore. The absence of this information doesn’t make it impossible. So if I want to pretend I can fly, no one can stop me. Not even you and this lore you speak of.

I’m being silly now. I just want to fly for real. In game. As a demon.

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Illidan’s wings were huge so it would make sense they were strong enough to lift him.

You have good taste.

Anyway as I was saying. Demon Hunter bones aren’t hollow so the wings would have to be REALLY strong to make up for it. So it makes sense ya’ll can only glide. Guessing it goes by Gargoyles rules. Altho they can only glide on wind currents because the writers kinda realized that they could get out of a looooooooooooot of problems if they could just fly. And that’s not fun.

Exactly WHAT did I state that’s a “minor” problem?

Also, why are you making me look up words? Also, stating fact (the fact that DH’s literally have a PVP talent that allows them to shoot from above) does not make me wrong on this.