how did DH’s take warglaives lol. warglaives have always been the DH weapon lmao
We stole 'em from Wardens after we sliced and diced 'em.
Probably stuff like denying the mog of Illidan’s glaives from black temple to any of the classes that earned them back in the day.
Are you kidding me with this? I want to be able to fly with the wings I have on my own back. It’s hardly an equivalent lore violation to running off with Atiesh. And don’t for a second think I don’t see you enjoying those 8.2.5 Worgen model updates! The Worgen crying in these forums was legendary. Thread after thread after thread of “I want I want I want!” If you take such exception to player interest in modest flavour updates then perhaps you should lead by example and volunteer to revert back to permanent tetanus jaw!
Do not fall for the warlock crocodile tears. I have loved demon hunter since the day they were released at the end of WoD. But you know what I loved more? Legion demo. Pulling half a zone with an 8 second doom while you had kazzak’s final curse equipped was absolutely peak. To this day hitting implosion with a 15+ imp pack locked and loaded still feels immense. If warlocks are crying for demo meta it’s because crying is the real game for them.
You know what? Fair play! Let the other classes wield some warglaives. How long have we had Night Elf NPCs wielding those hooped glaives, but the lore is that it’s demon hunter exclusive? It doesn’t make sense. Let the players thrive, it’s what WoW needs. Most rival titles to WoW at this point have players dripping in swag and living out all but the most asinine catboy fantasies. WoW has it’s lore limits, which I do appreciate, but let’s be honest, there’s more than enough room for leniency. Sure there’s development costs and priority scheduling, that’s fair enough, but fobbing off the players with janky lore reasoning just sets everyone up for profoundly silly nerd debates.
If they put warglaives in the hands of warriors and let DHs fly with their own wings then the people complaining here would probably shrug it off just like they do every time they see someone’s mogged themselves to dual-wield thunderfury. More fun, not less!
Did Illidan really fly or did he just swush flap them wings really hard and go straight up, pause for a second and then glide back down? I don’t think I’ve seen him fly, at least not proper flying. Maybe he had some special boss ability to hang out in the air for a second or two.
dh don’t have eyeballs, they’d crash into everything
You wanna fly kid? I’ll tell you how to do it. Just throw yourself at the ground and miss! That’s how you fly!
It took 40 players to defeat him so yes DH individually should be no where as powerful and have all the abilities of illidan thus no flying
Wow the anger from you and others just cause we DH have to use a flying mount is just crazy, it is mot the end of the world we still can use flying mounts, flight form for druids makes that class unique i would hate if all the classes started getting similar stuff cause they would no longer be unique
Druids will forever stay unique because they can interact with things while in flight-form and yes, I agree that should remain unique to them.
They’re asking for a Flight mode MOUNT. just so they can appear to be using their wings.
I had another idea, what if this flight mode (which still, can’t interact with items, like druids) shares a cooldown with meta? It can last longer than meta since it’s not as exhausting as fighting, but you can’t fly forever using your wings, either.
DH challenge for flight form like warlock green fire challenge in MoP.
Or how about druids stay the only class that can fly without using a mount
Monks can already, it’s just fairly slow.
It’s a mount in all ways of game mechanics, just visually they use their wings. How is this any different than using a mount?
They just want to LOOK like they are using their wings.
Just like how Worgen can run on all 4, not instant, like druids.
Did you have such a fit when people could have instant flying with the mechagon backpacks?
As someone who has mained a DH since they came out: I actually agree. We don’t need flying.
As others have said, Worgen free-running is a widely recognised mountless form for a whole race. But am I going to hear that it’s homogenizing druid class identity? Would anyone seriously try to argue that it isn’t lore appropriate for anthropomorphic Worgen to get on all fours and behave like their feral counterparts? I mean you certainly could, right? But the simple fact of the matter is that nobody cares! The people who like it, love it, and the people who don’t just don’t notice. Just like you wouldn’t notice if DHs used their wings for flight. In fact I’m willing to bet if they put a cast time on DH flight form rather than make it instant cast you’d probably lose interest in this position altogether. Fake argument!
Ironically, we kinda do need more utility. Whether it’s PvE or PvP a DH is never going to be priority over a monk for RoP or a Rogue for shroud. Darkness and chaos brand isn’t enough. But you want to agitate that we shouldn’t even get additional flavor spells? Ok “DH main”!
This is also a fair point. Monk flying nimbus class fantasy WHEN?
HARD AGREE! Don’t get me wrong with these posts, whilst I am passionate about better DH representation I am a firm believer that DHs should have to EARN their wings. Separate the wheat from the chaff!
Yes, my main is a DH. No I do not think we need flying.
Attack the argument, not me.
Give me one REAL reason we need flying/ not “Oh druids can fly” not “Monks can fly”.
That’s not an argument or a comparison. Flying is not a utility. I’m very, very pro-flight, but I also understand that flying isn’t a utility skill.
I agree with Ixen on this one.
We - and more broadly speaking the game in general- would be benefitted from DH flight form because it’s aesthetically consistent i.e. we have wings, wings are for flight. It’s that simple. Inconsistent aesthetics break immersion and give room for competitors to offer frivolous flavour content without looking like they’re taking nitpicking cranks in their userbase too seriously.
And I bring up the points on utility because the more people are going to say DHs are over-developed the more it obscures the fact that we’re a C-tier choice for DPS and tank roles. If you seriously main this class and have to deal with the same gameplay issues I do (which tbf are owed a separate thread) then what in sam hell are you doing agreeing with someone that our class needs less attention? If they take the time to work on some class flavour content then don’t you think they might notice other areas the class needs work on? Like how vengeance meta is straight missing a glide animation?
It would be too OP. I don’t know if you realize this, but we have a PvP talent that allows us to “shoot” at people as we are up in the air.
I don’t know of any other class that has an ability like that. Yes, I am posting on my DH because I actually have the talent.
This is why DH’s can’t utilize our wings like you would like.
Juju’s been my forum default for years. Used to be my main until I lost my taste for not having enough mobility.
We have plenty of mobility.
Wings are not only for flight some birds and dinosaurs didnt flight they glided, just cause DH have wings doesnt mean they can fly but DH can glide