I want to be a Jedi!

Which makes me wonder how much of actual Star Wars content you even know about lol.

I’ve been told it’s cannon, not canon. In any case, cannon refers to something some guy made up. Why do you care? What you make up is just as good as what anyone else makes up.

I get a real kick out of people who want authors to tell people in interviews what some characters motive was or some other fact not in the novel, play or movie. The answer is clear, there is no motive or fact. The author hadn’t made it up yet.

So you want him/her to make it up right there in the interview? Why? You could just as easily make it up yourself.

Cannon means nothing. It is a synonym for vacuum. It refers to someone being deluded into thinking that a story someone made up is in some way real.

Not sure what you mean. It clearly states that it’s a story from a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away. That indicates it’s based on historical evidence.

Check mate.

And you think it’s real? You think Star Wars is a documentary on what really happened a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away?

George Lucas made up the whole thing. It’s fiction. The word “cannon” means nothing more than what Lucas or someone else made up because it sounded good.

Yet so many people seem to think there’s a right way for the story to go and a wrong way. They are deluding themselves into thinking some whim from some author is somehow related to reality.

No, it definitely happened.

Truth. Rogue One is the best of the new SW movie. Everyone tends to overlook how diverse the cast of this movie was because everyone was an actual character and not a caricature



The lightsaber battle was great except for that scene right there. The rock throwing bit was just bad lol.

It makes sense though, she realized she was becoming what she hated.

More or less how I feel. Obi Wan had some bad moments, but was more good than bad.

Gotta admit, not a Jedi but the fantasy equivalent: some kind of magic knight / Eldritch Knight would be nice.

Peace is a lie.


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Mine is named Sunzsu lol

The Jedi are evil though, they tried to execute a coup against Chancellor Palpatine and would have succeeded if it wasn’t for Anakin Skywalker.

There is only Passion.


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Not from a combat perspective no. Jedi forms are closer aligned to karate, etc

Jedi’s use TerĂ€s KĂ€si, which is the primary martial art of the Star Wars universe.

The word is canon:

" In fiction, canon is the material accepted as officially part of the story in an individual universe of that story by its fan base. It is often contrasted with, or used as the basis for, works of [fan fiction]. The alternative terms mythology , timeline , universe and continuity are often used, with the first of these being used especially to refer to a richly detailed fictional canon requiring a large degree of [suspension of disbelief] (e.g. an entire imaginary world and history), while the latter two typically refer to a single arc where all events are directly connected chronologically. Other times, the word can mean “to be acknowledged by the creator(s)”."

Cannon is:

“a large, heavy piece of artillery, typically mounted on wheels, formerly used in warfare.”

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You would make a good Sith.

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You’re talking about Star Wars where stormtroopers can’t hit a target 2 meters in front of them. I though it was a fun show. Also killing Vader wouldn’t stop the empire anyway, he’s not the leader.