I want to be a Jedi!

So dont go on an on. this was meant to be a lighthearted take on something fun in the game (like those shiny lightsaber like swords). I share my thoughts on things like movies and TV shows on specific forums and sites. Im sure there are heaps of discords where you can hone your rage.

I probably should have not brought up a subject that is both off topic and a cause of angst for some, I might just put this one to bed on Mute.

Jedi are weak.

Give me a Ghost, a gun and a fashionable set of robes/armor and let me be a Guardian.

But then I canā€™t tell you how wrong you are for liking trash writing. I have to save you from yourself and bad taste in bad spin offs with horrid pointless plots.

Anyways sith are better.

More diverse weapon designs would be great. Titans are masters of reorigination magic. A plasma sword would make sense. Also would like more scythes but thatā€™s another topic.

Play a blood elf ret paladin in WOTLK classic. Itā€™s basically a jedi.

They should blame the mouse not the actors. Need a glue trap! Lol

You know I donā€™t really care for star wars or anything about it. I think itā€™s bad as a whole from start to finish which is fine I like plenty of trigger trash shows. But youā€™re right here. Vader at least was understandable, heā€™s supposed to be the strongest. But Obi-wan lifting an army of boulders was soooo immersion breaking for me.

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And those boulders that had to be hundreds of pounds just bounce off Vader like styrofoam not scratching his armor or tearing any cloth.
This feared unstoppable killer only finally taken down by luke beaten by Obi wan twice and after confirmation his brother is dead he lets him liveā€¦ which kinda ruins the whole speech they have in episode 4
Itā€™s infuriating to anyone who actually pays any attention to story at all in all the movies thus far. ><

And again Luke never seen a light saber except now when he was being chased by evil sith woman and woulda been killed because Obi wan is a failure now who canā€™t do his one job but survives because bad lady feel sad and doesnā€™t kill him.
And Leia is so great so amazing kneel and tell the audience how they should view Leia really force feed it to us (lol pun)

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Sounds like youā€™re just not using all of the fun options that you have. Taking a break from WoW for better storytelling IS having your cake and eating it too.

I literally grew up with Star Wars. I was born a month before the original Episode IV, I saw Empire in theaters and actually remember the gasps of shock. I spent time with all of the lore, had a long conversation with Timothy Zahn, and kept up with all of the shows and movies as much as I could.

But even I couldnā€™t get this emotional over it. Iā€™m not sure if itā€™s just hyperbole or if thereā€™s simply something I canā€™t understand about such an emotional reaction.

Hate to break it to you but this is something you just made up in your head. No where in Lucasā€™ writing describes limits to the force. Hell, before Disney even took over, you had examples of force users literally pulling Star Destroyers out of orbit lol.

Yeah, that was Anakin talking, not Vader.

Well that just bewilders me tbh. I have a vivid imagination so I tend to be able to place myself into the character seeing through them in story I can deeply empathize and sympathize with them and intertwine emotions. Hell thereā€™s been many times through the EU books I teared up over major character deaths.

I donā€™t know why I have such an emotional response about as much as I know why you seem to have a lack of over it. Brains are garbage.

EU was mostly trash, sorry.

People donā€™t even realize that like half the concepts from the new trilogy got pulled out of the EU, rofl.

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No it didnā€™t they were basically copy paste of episode 4 5 and 6. And nah the EU up to Abalothe was a lot better then what we got. That ā€œtrashā€ puts current writing this series has done by Disney to shame. They built up the characters rather then destroying them and making them completely out of character to who they wereā€¦

Utterly crazy.

Only the first one was. And no, the EU was always mostly garbage.

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Matter of opinion I disagree.

Also space chase where fuel does not maintain momentum in spaceā€¦you donā€™t need fuel once youā€™re moving. So the chase in the 2nd was pointless. Big white planet ā€œHoth copyā€ rebels escape the empire. Hero goes to planet to speak to ex Jedi hermit thatā€™s now Luke not Yoda to learn the force.

Yeah itā€™s another copy pasteā€¦

Thatā€™s fine but considering a ton of the elements from the new trilogy is pulled from EU stories, Iā€™ll continue to believe that Iā€™m correct.

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Nah, different people are just different. Iā€™m very attached to Star Wars, but maybe itā€™s the English major in me. I can see what it is for what it is and not get in that deep.

Eh we all need to escape reality sometimes. You can believe the air is lime jello doesnā€™t make you right. There was very little in the EU books they put into any of the new episodes.

Only 1 I seen was ā€œPalpatine cloneā€

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