I want to be a Jedi!

After watching Obi-Wan Kenobi (I loved it, warts and all, just dont go putting it down or I may cry) I have decided I want a Jedi class in WoW.

Melee class, wears cloth, uses variants of the lightsaber. Two specs - Light and Dark. Powered by a new energy form, the Force. Moves include leaping around like a DH but involving spins and tumbles, pulling and pushing things, chucking rocks (onya Obi!), etc.

(And yes, I know there are already lightsabery weapons ingame but I want TO BE one with the Force!). And no, I dont want to go play one of the SW games, I want my cake and to eat it also!

Microsoft, when you acquire Blizzard, just cut a deal with Disney and put the class ingame. I’ll hand over my credit card for a Gnome Jedi.



Jedi are hypocrites. At least the sith are honest about what they are and make no excuses for it. They’re not perfect by any means but they’re relatable.


You think you do but you don’t?

Ask J Allen about the Jedi and NGE…




LOL My humor can be a little dry and I guess yes even harsh sometimes :slight_smile:


Or just go play SWTOR.


I could go on a rant about him…

And how I think it is actually a good sign for WoW going forward. People say a lot of “good” things changed/added to Shadowlands because of the lawsuit, but I think they could very well be because he stepped down and devs weren’t being (as) held back anymore.

/deep breath

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That is why Qui gon Jin was never allowed on the Jedi Council because he did not agree with them. Only he knew Anakin was the chosen one.

Star Wars MMO. I still have an account on it.


Just play a Paladin. Or Swtor.


Same i play all the time. Love my sith inquisitor. Madness spec for all the crazy force moves.


I tried playing SWTOR but it was hard to look past what I considered stiff character movement, although the scripted dialogue for quests and dialogue options were amazing. I also had to pay money to unlock the character race I would have preferred so I didn’t pursue it further.

I liked The Force Unleashed and KOTOR though.

Or you could go here and make your own SWG server

I have my own EQemu server for my son and I to play on. We dont open it to the web we just wanted our own little world to adventure in


Are you sure? They tend to get purged on the regular.

Monks and Shaman are essentially jedi as the element of spirit is very similar to the force.

Did somebody mention starwars?


Sounds like it’d be awesome, op. I’d be down for a wow equivalent that plays/dresses like that

Seems a lot like the old school elven Mage-Knights of Quel’Thalas. :open_mouth:

Honestly though, Death Knights seem like Dark-side users / Sith lords, they wear heavy plated helms - dark magics, force choke people and pull people towards them to cut them down - striving on fear, anguish and leaching life from their foes. They just also happened to study the ways of Darth Plagueis — “He had such a knowledge of the dark side that he could even keep the ones he cared about from dying. The dark side of the Force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural …” — Although, the Death Knights simply replicated a twisted failure of it - it still proved to be useful to their own machinations …


Or just go play Old Republic. It’s actually got great storylines. Especially Jedi Knight and Sith Warrior. They intertwine, too.