I want to be a Jedi!

Not what I’m saying at all. The context of Disney’s canon being full of holes makes it difficult for me to accept things like The Mandalorian (as much as I enjoyed it) because future seasons may introduce elements that legitimize the trilogy, which I reject entirely.

I like the more nuanced take on the Force that the KotOR games have, and I like the Sith having a sympathetic element to them, but I still view the Jedi as being the better of the two.

I believe my perspective is quite healthy because I am not dependent on a corporation or other central figure to decide how I engage with media.

Red is cooler though.

If you say so.

I’ve seen all too often how this sort of mentality can go off the rails. Folks sending death threats to actors/actresses because they’re mad about the narrative direction of the franchise. But if you say you’ve got a lid on this thing, I guess we’ll just have to take your word for it for now.

I see no reason the behaviour of a handful of rogue idiots online should be representative of my perspective. Besides, it’s not like Disney’s fan base is devoid of reprehensible individuals.

Either way, both groups seem to share a belief that ownership is what determines canon. It’s why one side is so outraged and the other is snide. In reality a story cannot be owned because it is an abstract idea which only exists within our heads. Disney owns the rights to produce media based on the story, but they can’t own an idea, and thus they dictate people’s interpretations and engagement.

I like your use of the term “stewardship” though, it’s a better descriptor for Disney’s relationship to the story.

Well, you can’t get too hung up on Star Wars canon, or you will got nuts, just enjoy the ride. Also, the Old Republic is so far in the past they could pretty much do anything and it would not affect the canon.

cannon =/= canon :wink:

Unfortunately I can’t enjoy the ride anymore as it’s too full of frustration and disappointment. Even as much as my philosophy has liberated my thinking, intellectual property law in general is still frustrating and in my opinion full of injustices.

If I wanted to produce media for a competing canon, I would be physically stopped through the force of the state, particularly when the matter of funding comes up.

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Just read the EU stuff and ignore the disney “canon.”

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I liked you till now. Shame.

Jedi’s are basically Monks. Problem solved.

If you think earth shock is the same as toph throwing a boulder at someone, or earth shield is the same as a titans hardening sure. But they aint, i want heckin impactful earth stuff.

Without a lighsaber on their belt or a touch of the Force. Yeah, not solved, attractive but otherwise wrong dwarf. :sunglasses:

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Just gross…that anyone can watch new star wars and like it. The writers stole so much made nothing new the film once again pushes agenda men dumb bad woman always the bestest ever with no real character development. Reva wanted to kill Vader so why then when she failed was her plan then to kill Luke?

Also Obi wan and Vader both look like dim wits…sorry but anyone who thought it was good needs to learn basic story writing.

That abomination just burned what was left of star wars cannon to the ground. Lol
Disney can’t do star wars right and it makes me sad legit depressed to see people thing this pile of plagiarism is “good”

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See, you made a Gnome cry. I hope you are happy!

Then again, Ep 6 made me cry too but in a good way. I just wanted to hug Obi-Wan better. Then again, I’ve wanted to hug Obi-Wan for many years because he is very huggable. And Im sure he wanted to hug Anakin and make him feel better too because he broke his mask. So the show did need more hugging, that was a definite writing flaw.

If I had a .gif of a gnome with a lightsaber it would be shown here but I don’t. So I’ll just wave.


Just get those two lightsabers in game, make a DK and pretend you are force coking people when you do the death grip thing.

Don’t pretend I am the only one to do that.

LOL, thats a great idea. Can I haz a red one and do the whole wheezing breath thing too?

There is a red one and a blue one. I farmed for both of them, I want to say one was from an Alliance only quest. The blue one I think, the red is Teebu’s Blazing Longsword.

Happy hunting!

Well the abortion of my favorite franchise into this Micky mouse vomit made me cry first so just sharing the greif shared by most the star wars fans who actually cared. Disney killed it spat on it buried it under a dumpster dug it back up told it it’s mother was a donkey then threw it into a Porto potty.

Star wars is dead this fanfiction that is obi wan would make more sense as a parody or space balls. Except space balls is funny at least. This train wreck is an insult to anyone who cared about the characters and lore just saying.

It’s always pushing the same agenda every move…they don’t make new plots or story it’s always rehashed from other better star wars. Asoka vs Vader was where they stole the fight from in this but has far less emotional impact compared to the animated show.

The effortless lifting of all those stones shows the writers think the force is magic like Harry freakin potter when its not! It has limits and takes effort it only goes so far. But Disney acts like it’s some marvel powers. That’s not the force… Also Vader’s line when He goes to the planet to face Obi saying "have you come to destroy me??? Dude YOU came to him Vader like wut…?

He got his but handed to him and Obi could have killed him he should of if he was in that position but walks away thus being turned into the star wars biggest dumb dumb for letting a genocidal sith live. Nothing about it makes sense of the original star wars now.

It’s a mess now

Ugh I could go on and on but in just working myself up into a rage. I just hate Disney and what it has done. It isn’t good writing or story. It’s just… Not…god I’m sick to my tummy now…I need a drink.