I want to be a Jedi!

Rogue One is arguably the best SW move in recent times, since the main characters are just normal people and they don’t have unlimited plot armor. Clone Wars, Rebels, Bad Batch, Mandalorian are great and Boba Fet is decent if you realize that it is just Mandalorian Season 2.5. I enjoyed the Obi Wan series, even though it did have a few weak points, but overall was good.

Lol I don’t care what you think. Ignore me.

Have you played through all the class stories in the original game?

About half of them, I tried but I just couldn’t get into it. I also heard their newest expansion is probably the worst mmo expansion ever.

Boots and belt are definitely leather. As we know, clothies can’t equip leather, so we know it’s at least a leather wearing class.

Maybe Monks or DHs are Jedis.

I agree the the expansions are mostly boring. Well, now that I think about it, the first expansion is pretty good, especially if you play as a Sith Warrior and bring Jaesa along.

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KENOBI was trash but to be fair the scene with Vader and Kenobi on that random unnamed planet, not the fight itself because that’s just modern Star Wars twirly nonsense but the actual dialogue between Vader and Kenobi where they both accept that Anakin is gone… that was actually almost good.

Having said that, the Jedi ideology that the Force is for “defense, and not for attack” is actually pretty stupid in this context. Obi-wan’s failure to act is essentially responsible for all of those deaths on Alderan. You can put down a rabid dog without hating it… and that’s what Vader is. So while it was a great moment in the heat of it, if you stop to think about it, it is actually quite dumb.

There really needed to be some other framing to make it hold up with “fridge logic” - something like the tectonic plates destabilizing and if Obiwan pressed his attack they could both die, or he could end the fight and they could both safely leave. Obiwan realizing its more important for him to go on living as he has people worth protecting has more pay-off if you present a trade-off like this. Just sparing Vader’s life makes no %%%%ing sense once you stop to think about it.

Just had to rant about that a bit. It was so close to being a really great scene but its ruined upon reflection because it really doesn’t make much sense.

On the topic of this thread, Death Knights are basically Sith so I dunno, you’ve already basically got your force users. Kyrian Death Knights are your Jedi I guess, lol.

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Paladins are the Jedi Light = Lightside and all that.

Look if we’re straight up stealing a concept and copypasting it into wow, i wanna be a bleach character or an earthbender not some wimpy space sword guy.

Do Star Trek Guys have:

At lest Star Wars Bros don’t need to be smelly nerds anymore.

Paladins don’t have awesome force powers though.

Shaman already literally summoning Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson.

Also, I think Lava bending counts as Earth-bending, right?

I wanna kick the ground and rocks come out like spikes darnit. Or whip up a darude sandstorm and create earth barriers to block attacks!

Every single day of the week.

But with a few caveats for me…

  • TOS

  • TNG

  • DS9

  • Voyager

  • The movies are mostly non-canon with exception to maybe Generations.

  • Kelvinverse can go suck an egg.

  • Picard and Discovery are non-canon and were written and directed by people who have never seen Star Trek in their life; believing Trek is supposed to be action-packed and filled with violence and space battles.

I just noticed you’re literally playing a Shaman already. So you know they have Earth Shield as an ability. Don’t they also have Earth Spike as an ability? And Earth Shock?

I mean the flavor of Ele is more Fire and Lightning over Earth, but its definitely got some Earth stuff going on there.


I have all kinds of fancy light powers.

I love Filoni and Favreau’s work, but the context surrounding them makes it difficult for me to accept them into the canon I subscribe to.

I do accept KotOR 1&2 though. SWTOR is enjoyable in a lot of ways, but many things also don’t work well so I only take it as a vague hint of what was going on between the Old Republic era and the film era.

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I’ve never understood why anyone cares about cannon. It’s all fiction. It’s all something that someone made up. And the irony is, while Sci-fi people seem to worry about cannon the most, discrepancies in sci-fi are the easiest to fix.

So a new show runner comes along and does something that’s not cannon and people have their panties all in a bunch? No problem, the next show runner comes along and says that “non cannon” stuff was all in an alternate universe. Problem solved.

Now where do cannons matter? World of Warships. There you get all sorts of cannons and those cannons really mean something.


Ah. So the context is you subscribe to the nonsense that the Jedi are just as bad as the Sith.

If you want to believe in a headcanon that George Lucas categorically rejects, go for it I guess. It’s just fiction after all. Just seems like unhealthy copium considering the current stewardship of the franchise though.