I want to be a Jedi!

Enjoy the Obi-Wan show as well, but this is not star wars… SWTOR has 2 lightsaber classes on both sith and jedi if you wanna be a lightsaber wielder.

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I mean, avoiding the obvious legal problems of mixing IPs, I wouldn’t be opposed to a kind of ‘Laser Knight’ built around advanced tech weapons, plasma-burn DoTs, and cool ultra-tech utility. Put some of that experience with Destiny’s IP to use and incorporate some of those flavors into the class, because Destiny was basically ‘science-fantasy’.

No thanks.

Go play SWTOR. Be a Jedi there


Doubtful. But since this technically already happened in WoW, I would be shocked if they gave us any more Jedi stuff in the game.

Just play a Gnome Warrior (12 years ago):

I’m not interested in Disney’s canon. Maybe if they scrap it all and start over I’ll open up again.

As it stands now, I’m sticking with EU canons.

I could go for a Spellsword in WoW though.


That’s gross. :nauseated_face::face_vomiting:

Star Wars is awful and creatively bankrupt.

Put it down like the lame horse it is.

Truth. I unlocked Jedi like a real man (running macros all day to level up classes until I got the right ones done).

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Best part in Obi-Wan Kenobi is where he tells the Jawa “If you’re going to sell things you stole from me you could at least clean them.” And that was the highlight of the series… :see_no_evil::hear_no_evil::speak_no_evil:

And you only ever have to sub once to the game to unlock all the expansions and have “preferred status” for life.

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If you like cannons try World of Warships. All their ships have cannons except for the submarines and aircraft carriers.

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Star Trek > Star Wars

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You are mistaken, Star Wars is superior.

The Disney + / Star Wars shows created by Dave Filoni and Jon Favreau are probably the best Star Wars content besides the original trilogy (and the original SWTOR class stories, although they are not officially canon, even though Illus probably becomes Starkiller Base).

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My swtor jedi that uses a double bladed saber and stealths like a rogue was awesome. It’s just too bad that game took a turn for the worse a few years back. I haven’t been able to get back into it in a very long time but running through the game’s original storyline was still to me time well spent.

That game’s biggest problem was that the original storyline was about as close to a SW movie starring me that it could get, but with each expansion the stories got worse until that infinite emperor crap (the last thing I saw) that felt like bad third party books bordering on fan fiction.

Also I spent a crap ton of credits to update my gear and still wasn’t that strong. That’s never a good thing. At one point I believed in the game enough to acquire the out of production authenticator fob though.

Swtor is so bad lol

The first three Star Wars that came out were fine. After that, not so much. I saw the last one with Harrison Ford and a later one with Mark Hamel. The contrast between their performance and the performance of the new people was dramatic.

Harrison and Mark brought their characters to life. The younger people had zero depth to their characters. It was like watching kids walking through a high school play rehearsal.

Episodes 4, 5, and 6, the original three, outstanding. The rest? Yuck. Except for the parts with the old characters.


Watching this reminds me - Warcraft needs to stop burning through their good villains.

It’s so weird, because you’ll get some random OC character like Zovaal who is the big bad for an entire expansion, three patch cycles, but then you have characters like important legacy character Xavius, N’Zoth, Azshara, and so forth that get binned in a single patch. It’s nuts.

Going forward, I’d love to see Blizzard bring back Sargeras and position him like a Palpatine, or I suppose a Thanos in this case. A villain who cannot be defeated in a single expansion. I really don’t care about Danuser’s fan fiction with fractal BS - Sargeras needs to return to “Final Boss” status. And Sire D would be a good fit to go along with him IMO - I’d love to see Sire D as a sort of Starcream to Sargy’s Megatron.

nobody wants to be a jedi

ew jedi sith is better .

"And now you run in search of the Jedi. They are all dead, save one—and one broken Jedi cannot stop the darkness that is to come. " -Darth Sion , kotor 2

you think everything is bad not one post from you hasnt been a troll post no wonder u hide on a classic toon