I want to be a Jedi!

You could just go play Swtor and be both lol.


SWTOR is literally WoW with Jedi. Paladins are the Jedi of Warcraft, DKs are the sith. And I’m pretty sure Arthas’ entire storyline was um… inspired by Anakin.

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Would it come with the ability to fling rocks around that hit with all the impact of styrofoam?

Jedi’s can never as palpatine would say “DEW IT!” and if you do you might end up limb less in a breathing wheezing suit burnt to a crisp.

*points to SWTOR
You can be any sort of Jedi you like. But Azeroth and Star Wars are likely millions of parallel universes apart.

But, there might be a worm hole connecting them.

I still have Jedi Knight: Dark Forces and Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy CDs somewhere.

Those were really the only Star Wars games I ever got into outside of KOTOR I and II.

Star Wars universe is kinda lame, but those games were fun.

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I thought I already was a Jedi?
Selling droids is just my side job.
:hushed: :revolving_hearts:

Exactly, SWTOR is basically just WOW reskinned as a SW game, you can live out your Jedi fantasies in that game all you want and it is Free to Play. I would suggest just playing through the original game for free, the expansions are decent, but not nearly as good as the original questlines.

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A Jedi?

You mean those flashlight-swinging, philosophical hypocrites who argue politics upon a gilded throne?

You should be a fan of the volunteer troopers of the Republic who lay their lives on the line to defend the words of said finger-wagglers.

You want a good Sith? Darth Vectivus, the Jedi won’t tell you about him!

I want to be a Sith and duel wield red lightsabers.

I just need to be able to mog one-handers over my two-handers.


Idk about a Jedi in wowz I get it, who doesn’t want to be a Jedi? I just don’t think it would work, it would honestly be really close to a monk but with lightsaber moves instead of fist. Whirling dragon slash, rising sun cut, etc.

Maybe they give a monk alternative where you can use weapon variants of their skills.

I agree too with others that DK is sort of like a sith too.

Idk, I’d be intrigued to see what a concept for the wow version of a Jedi would be. Maybe they give priests a night warrior spec instead.

The wow equivalent would be paladins.

Disney lawyers approve of this thread.

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Not good next thing you see waves hand " you don’t want this loot you want to give it to me " .

May the shwartz be with you

Hmm… Love my Jedi Consular! :slight_smile:


I killed yuon’par lol

Hmm, Elemental Shaman have all the abilities to be like Emperor Palpatine.

But a Jedi? Maybe a Feral Druid, with Balance Affinity (for Typhoon pushback), Wild Charge (force jump) and an Orb of Deception to change your appearance to a humanoid; then transmog a fist weapon into a lightsaber.

SWG was great, I played it when it launched until they did the infamous combat changes and it was a lot of fun.

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