I want to actually play my Remix characters

I am replying to your post so other people can see what insanely terrible takes I am talking about. No one wants your attention. Frankly, I wish you’d stop posting.

I am enjoying Remix, myself. I tend to do a lot of quests though, and not as much dungeon lvling.

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I think the jury’s out on what the intention was, and I think that my opinion on the execution stands.

I think they could have made the experience of being overpowered and coo coo bananas possible without some of the clown shoes imba nonsense going on in pugs.

The level of difficulty once you’re decently geared is such that nothing short of Mythic SoO offers anything that could be remotely described as a challenge.

I’ve already explained why this is the system working as intended. That you don’t like it is a moot point.

Remix was never going to be this. The fact that you didn’t understand that this wasn’t classic isn’t anyone elses fault.

They have my sympathy.

If the goal wasn’t for this to be a power fantasy and collecathon then they wouldn’t have structured it this way. We wouldn’t have gear scaling into the ionosphere, Meta/tinker/cog gems, or a currency that exists pretty much only so you can buy appearances, toys, mounts and upgrades for your gear.

And as someone who’s leveled multiple characters through this: I think it’s honestly hilarious watching someone unga bunga there way through scholomance while I desperately try and loot everything and keep pace.

There is no way for them to both make us able to get completely overpowered, and to keep easy, queued content from being completely rolled over by said overpowered players.

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I mean, in theory they could rubber band player power, but doing that would just be punishing players for utilizing the mechanics they have available and the gameplay loop that WoW has engrained into our brains since day one: Get stronger so you can do things that let you Get Stronger.

I feel like a M+ type solution that helps with the upgrade treadmill or just gives better rewards could work if they do another remix, if people are really that upset about op players being in instanced content (I am not, carry my alts, daddy~)

M+ isn’t really going to work for a game mode like this. If there needs to be a compromise at all (And there doesn’t) then just make heroic locked to max level characters only, and have normal for people who want to level.

As for the complaints about lfr? Literal non issues. No one in their right mind thinks lfr is supposed to be challenging, except for maybe one insane person in this thread.


but I like being carried when on alts I’m levelling.

I stopped caring about the gameplay of remix after I got bored of my first 70

Thats why I don’t think there should be any compromise, really. Its a very tiny vocal minority that still complains about that, and when you dig even a little into their opinion, it always boils down to “I didn’t bother upgrading my character, so no one should be upgrading their character”

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Fair enough, I misread the bit about the compromise not actually being what you want.

I definitely still think adding another tier to 5 man content meant for max levels could work even if it’s not scaling, especially since X remix won’t have scenarios.

I feel like 95%+ of the remix community doesn’t care and it’s just a vocal minority chasing that narc high from when the frog farmers got slapped.

No sure if this has been mentioned, but if you leveled a character in Remix to 70 (or 60) just to get the Heritage Armour for that Race, then your Retail character will be able to get that armour without having to wait for your Remix character to join Retail.

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Yes… the hunter that I have put the most work in is at 190% speed. All of her gems are speed and versatility. She used to be the character that lagged behind but not anymore. Though some zoom by her as well.

yea it does basically lock your toon, I only played the first week to collect stuff I wanted, pointless to invest in remix characters

By the time you reach 476, it’s not uncommon for you to be maxed out on speed just from threads alone. That’s been my experience at least.

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I used to get upset when i would join a group and someone would just speed through aggroing everything they could, killing every boss as fast as they can, ignoreing everyone else, and abandoning the group before the last boss even hit the floor.

It felt lame to be playing a loot gathering simulator.

But i began to appreciate the fast runs, id just try my best to keep up and make sure they didnʻt get me locked out of rooms. i wouldnʻt attack anything just run alongside and loot bosses. I felt i was being disingenuous to the nature of the run but it is what it is…

Then after a while of doing that i began to be one of those folks who can kill a heroic dungeon boss in a global or 2 if all my tinker gems go off.

Although I do pay attention and if i see anyone grabbing quests ill stick around to help them out, especially in Jade temple (PTSD about that place) although half the time if i ask someone i saw getting the quests “Need help with Library?” they would just leave group anyway… o well.

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I think there is, actually.

  1. ilvl pug matching (goal: prefer to keep similarly-geared players together, but don’t let that preference extend queue times when the player pool is small)
  2. difficulty scaling by ilvl and number of players (goal: you continue to feel stronger and stronger, but, there is a minimum amount of effort required to kill mobs/bosses)
  3. tether buffs/debuffs (goal: you are stronger and faster when you stay close to your team mates, but weaker and slower if you run too far ahead)
  4. boss mechanics that require everyone to be in the boss area before the encounter can be started (goal: make sure nobody gets shut out of encounters, especially when that will cause bosses to glitch)

And that’s just off the top of my head, first thing in the morning, before I’ve had my tea.

They might not be great ideas, but I think I’ve adequately refuted your claim that there’s no way to do this.

Myself, I found this a big turnoff. I only roll characters I need, so I would want to play them asap. The idea that Blizzard wants players to roll characters they have no immediate need for and may never play in the future in order to fill dead time in the game is unappealing to me.

More could be added to the list. This could definitely be addressed, given the complaints about overgeared tanks and twinks.

Back in original MoP people used glitches to get through CM runs quicker, so at this point yes.

I would say that given the small percentage of current Blizzard designers and devs that were working on MoP at the time and playing it, there is no reason to think they were expecting some of the outcomes.