I want to actually play my Remix characters

The issue here is that some people mistook this for MoP Classic. You guys got a few more years before you’re making post complaining that the tryhards are making that unfun for you. This mode was explicitly marketed as letting you get overpowered, that’s half the point of it.

REALLY quick.
Blizzard went nuts with it…they know how some in this community are…they SHOULD have assumed the worst and made some guard rails for the known behavior issues with some inthis communty who get a miserable kick out of ruining the game for others.
They do it in retail and the company knows it…they had to know it would be worse in this.

lol…yeah…saw the same thing. I think it was disc though. Mowing down everything in site.
I thought he was just some DPS moron at first pulling for the tank. Then realized it was the healer clearly running content he was sorely overgeared for, so zero NEED to be there, just showboating and trying to get attention that he wasnt getting elsewhere, I spose.

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:point_up: :point_up: :point_up:

The ONLY time I want to one shot anything is when Im SOLO farming old content 50 levels higher than I need to be.
“overpowered” or however they advertised this crap DIDNT have to = “one shot the biggest boss in the game” lmao.
But here we are.

They need to have a MAX ilvl for LFR next time. Once you outgear it you AINT allowed back in so you cant ruin it for anyone else…go do some REAL raids for christ sake.

Yeah definitely gonna need to do a “movement speed” detox of some sort to readjust back to retail

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It will take just as long to level to max as it does now. The only change is the adjustment they make to keep that, given that there are 10 more levels. This is not a free gift.

LMAO you are insane. So basically I should avoid farming weapon mogs that are exclusive to LFR because I actually played the game and its somehow ruining your LFR. That’s funny, my level 25s probably ruin it for you too because at that level you still pump hard in lfr.

This narrative needs to die. Anyone can be ridiculously op by now without having farmed hyper spawns, even if you don’t even log in every day.

If that’s what you think, then you’ve missed the point of Remix; this isn’t classic. It isn’t us getting to see how it was back in the day.

Remix is at it’s core here to do 4 things:

  1. Let us quickly level characters.
  2. Gear up for TWW launch
  3. be a Giant collectathon.
  4. Play around with absurdly busted stats.

And all of this is fine because remix is a limited venue. It’s got about 40 days left in it and after that it and all of it’s shenanigans are done.

And quite frankly, this is the most fun I’ve had with WoW in a very long time precisely because it isn’t balanced; I can hop into a raid with a character who isn’t full leveled and has suboptimal stats/talents and be just fine as the big sweaties tear apart the bosses in seconds.

the first time I jumped back over to retail I could tell in 5 seconds that the screaming when Remix is over is gonna be HILARIOUS to witness lmao

whew…its like some of you cant comprehend what you read LOLOLOLOL…
Do you comprende that now or do I need to say it 17 more times?

…looks like someone ignored is poking me for attention. lol. Sorry not interested :+1:

“Haha I’m ignoring you” is still giving them attention. Ironic to accuse others of attention seeking, while actively making post to seek attention.

But I assume I’m on what is probably a massive list of people you ignore for not agreeing with your bad takes, so I doubt you’ll even see this.

Don’t waste your time on this one, they are incredibly hostile to anyone who doesn’t agree with their opinion, which in this case is “everyone should stop playing the game the way it’s meant to be played and cater to me instead, you are ruining my fun”

Were you talking about me or OP?

Neither. I was referring to the person you were responding to, telling you to not even bother with them. As you can see by their reply to that same post you made, they treat any disagreement to them with sheer hostility.

Like don’t get me wrong, if people want to play pandaria and get the full pandaria expirience then I can respect that, but at the same time they’re not going to get that from Remix, they’re going to get it from MoP classic which should be out in… 2 years?

They can also use chromie time or timewalking to experience the dungeons at a more “reasonable” pace if thats what they’re after if they can’t wait for MoP classic. And failing that, the option to just form their own groups in remix to go slowly is always there, but something tells me they aren’t willing to put in the effort to form one.

For anyone this late into remix, its literally catch up as soon as the instance starts. I’m just gonna be there to loot the corpses and reap whatever rewards that don’t get locked by the gogo’ers.

Also, never knew about getting ooked in the dooker, loltier dialogue, who did the voicework? metzen?

No…I am running LFR to stay away from Normal and above because I was HOPING these self serving sorts would stay out of LFR given how you all joke about how bad it sucks and isnt for REAL raiders, lmao.
Clearly that was a lie because there they are, trashing LFR so no one can actually enjoy it, the same as they do in Retail…overgeared by 100 ilvls coming to show us lowlings just how great they are in their god gear, lmao.

Im there to ENJOY LFR…because as explained like 4 times already, I didnt get to play Mists when it was current and was HOPING to be able to enjoy Mists LFR for the summer.
leave it to the player base to ruin that simple request.

CLEARLY I AINT the only one who feels this way

the ignored one evidently begging for my attention lol