I want to actually play my Remix characters

It was nice at first, and it still is because you’re getting free xp, but practically every single dungeon has someone with insane stats who 1-shots all the mobs and bosses. So you just end up just holding W and running through, feeling useless, and not playing.

I have a remix character that I really like playing. It’s great. He might be my TWW main. But I hardly can actually play the character, lol.

“Just do quests.” Questing is boring to me, dungeons is my preferred method of leveling. Also, even quest mobs are insanely easy and basically fall over.

Can’t even do Pvp.

Idk. Would be cool to see anyone feels similarly.


I was very grateful for my free carries in heroic content from 1-70.

Remix is playing exactly as advertised. It was intended to be a fun mini-game that provided a twist on typical gameplay while the balance ran wild.

If you want to play the game, play the actual game :smiley:


The charm wears off quick.


I can’t have my cake and eat it too? :stuck_out_tongue:


Yeah, last time I played we had a holy priest carrying us through the dungeon like I was a level 1 chasing a bowazon in D2 Hell cows

:crab: :ocean: :crab: :ocean:


I think it’s working as intended.
And personally I’ve been having a blast seeing how fast the groups can clear something.

I am that person in remix that sees if I can get to the boss room so fast it locks the group out :woman_shrugging:

Sorry not sorry lol

Remix is all in good fun, it’s supposed to be a little wacky but I think that’s what makes it fun.

Would I want that aspect transfered over to retail? HECK NO


People knew what they were getting going into Remix. Take a break and you’ll be able to play them when TWW rolls around.

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I can’t stand being carried through anything, I don’t pay to have other people play the game for me so yeah, mop remix really isn’t for me.

Same with leveling in retail, I remember when I started playing back in WoD and being extremely annoyed by people having heirlooms and just blasting through all the dungeons, whenever I’m leveling an alt I hate how there are always fully upgraded tanks destroying everything in normal dungeons. As a new player you really don’t learn your class/the game while leveling as a result.


Yes! Love the analogy

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And at this point, there is no way around it. You cant even go “darn frogger…” as anyone who focused 1 character is probably even more powerful now.

Honestly, with a month to go just level in retail. IT wont be 2-3 hours, but youll actually get to experience your class and get to play.


I did find it annoying until I powered up to insane levels as well, blasting through trash packs with a healer. I will say though that I always wait at the boss for everyone, but someone else usually starts it early.


Why would you level in retail today? Their removing like 40% of the EXP requirement from the retail leveling experience when they do pre-patch.

Seems remix has 2 types of players. Those who are happy to get carried and basically not participate much. And those who actually want to play the game. Personally, I fall into the latter catagory. Now don’t get me wrong, I like it when things blow up as well. But I prefer to be the one doing the blowing up rather than just following the one who does.

We’re at that point in remix where the the first wave of players are super OP. Especially if they haven’t already left the game mode. I know some of the original wave have left and gone back to retail after getting everything they wanted (I fall into this camp). But I also know there are some still playing for the sheer enjoyment of it. Some of these individuals have 800k+ threads on their cloaks (I think I stopped at around 300k because I was already finding that was too OP). There’s not a lot you can do if you find that you’re grouped with one of these players.

Sometimes you do get into groups of normal players though. It’s just random.

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Breaking news: The game is not that fun when everyone is overpowered to the point of making all content trivial.
But at the same time it’s the point of the event so I’m not sure why it’d be a point of concern. It’s what you signed up for.


Because they want to play “today”. I could say wait a few weeks, sure. But that doesnt help them “today”.

im ilvl 430 and at about 200k cloak power. i still lagging behind everyone even when i tried

do these players stack speed? cos i dont. but its fine i like to earn bronze the easy way

I have found if you want to “play” you have to run normal and heroic raids. Skip LFR, they are essentially 5 guys slaughtering everything while you try to be close enough to get credit.


Just as long as you’re not THAT person who tries it, wastes 10 minutes and dies anyway…

This. LFR is (somehow) even more of a joke in Remix than it is in Retail. At least in Normal and Heroic raids trash lasts long enough to occasionally slow you down a bit and Bosses last longer than 3 GCDs.


It does, I think it’s as close to “log in and have gear mailed to you,” as we will see.

I haven’t even spent any bronze upgrading gear because Why? Someone is already doing the dungeon for me in 30 seconds what am I gonn do being it down to 28 lol

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