I want to actually play my Remix characters

My general opinion, across all the WoW variants, is that gameplay should be engaging and meaningful every single time in PUG content. In premade content, I think people can cheese however they want to cheese. But when you’re thrown in with strangers, balance and design things so that everyone is actually participating and not just struggling to keep up and looting.

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Actually a fair description for many in GD :joy:

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You forgot the third kind of remix player. The ones who actually play it and are the ones carrying everyone else.


Well can you guys just queue amongst yourselves? lol

If blizzard allowed me to get my daily bronze and threads for doing the dungeon without queuing, I would gladly queue by myself or just walk into the dungeon.

Until that happens though, get good, get fast, or keep crying about it.

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The power fantasy is the point of Remix. When you get to be that strong person in the group, it’s a blast. When I’m on an alt I’m leveling and gearing, I enjoy the carry. The mode is intended to be broken. It isn’t MoP Classic.

I havent done remix in weeks. Totally got bored with it because of this right here.

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I am done with remix I got what I wanted , now everything in retail moves likes molasses :rofl:


and the fourth kind…those who DIDNT go Ilvl insane, intentionally steered away from gearing like gods so they could ENJOY running LFR for a few months till remix was over, who ended up quitting because the ones who did do all that ruin the fun for the rest of us.

Your choice to not engage in the game mode the way it was designed to be engaged in is no one’s fault but your own, and no one has to cater to the way you want to play to make sure you enjoy yourself. That is entirely on you.

duh…i just said I quit over it.

and now its gonna argue, lmao

So… what’s your point? Or do you just say things without having one?

People typically respond when you say things to them. That’s how conversation works.

the point was pretty clear, son…you even tried to make a pathetic attempt at responding lol

the point

…its in there IF your reading skills are half decent…try again?

and all YOU offered was a personal attack lmao

Remix was never intended to be balanced.

So your point is you didn’t enjoy the game mode or the way it was designed to be played, and my point was that’s entirely your choice. I don’t understand what you’re even trying to prove by arguing with that? We’re literally on the same page, then.

If you’re just looking for a fight, I guess this is one way to go about it at least.

I think thats were some of us went wrong…thinking blizzard wouldnt take the entire thing TOO far and make it into an abject joke. lol.
Had I realized just how nuts they really intended to go with it, Id have assume that the worst part of the WoW community WOULD ruin it for everyone else, and they did just that…and Id never have set my mind to running LFR with a group for the summer.

My bad for not understanding that blizzard doesnt do anything reasonable, its always one end of absurdity or another.

youre annoying me now. You pretend you were looking for a point, so I repeated the point and youre still gonna pretend you cant figure it out, so Imma just ignore you and save myself some time explaining it again

this…son…wasnt a problem until YOU turned it into a personal attack

Then stop responding to me already lol. It isn’t my fault, or the fault of anyone else who actually played the game mode as intended, that it “ruined the fun” for people like you who intentionally didn’t engage with the mode. No one owes you, or anyone else who made that choice, any fun. The only thing I’m confused about is what you think anything you said proves.

You don’t like the game mode. You don’t like that people who do like the game mode are playing it the way it’s supposed to be played. That is entirely a you problem, sweetie.

Really, the whole thing stinks of entitlement. You expected everyone else to stop playing the game the way it’s designed in order to cater to your own idea of fun, and then you quit when that didn’t happen. And when that gets pointed out to you, your response is to attack and hurl insults? Please, grow up. Save yourself the heartache.

just gonna have to park it and forget it for now until this event is over.
They arent gonna release them early and you arent gonna get the small percent of miserables in this community to NOT do what they do…ruin the game for other players.
They do it in retail, there was no way they werent gonna do the same thing in something like this remix thing.

sucks because Mists is my favorite expansion and I had hopes of actually being able to enjoy it over the summer here…totally ruined by showboats and tryhards who cant just stick to the content they are geared for…as usual.