I want to actually play my Remix characters

Is there a thread counter in-game? I know you can check your bonus for individual stats, but I don’t know how do you get a total amount of threads collected(do you just add them all up?).

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There’s an addon you can get.


Me doing my daily normal/heroic runs :joy:

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As a means of levelling up fairly quickly its been very handy. I have levelled up some combinations Ive not had before, including my first capped Forsaken character (a warlock). There are a few allied races I’d like to get to cap just to have them but not sure if I have the patience to do the whole thing again.

Tieing it to one expansion means you are tied to levelling the same zones repeatedly, and that happens enough now without doing it in an event as well. Not sure what the answer might have been to give it variety but I agree, the dungeons are hugely boring. Not sure if its fun for godmode players running through slaughtering while everyone tags along but its kinda dull for me.

It truly is effectively a Follower dungeon, powered up.

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Remix is working as intended; the point of the thing was to be equal parts collectathon and rampant power fantasy.

You will of course be able to play through these for real when MoP classic comes out.

As it stands? I’m happy with my lock obliterating whole raids :slight_smile:


I’m still working on normal raids and heroic scenarios to get the neck and ring, but I like being carried tbh it’s funny to watch everything melt

The gameplay is fast and every day I play I’m able to get some kind of treat like mog and mounts. I’ve been playing it on and off since there’s still like a month and a half to see what there is to see

Probably gonna delete all these remix alts tho

I get you. After more than a decade of playing I was finally able to fully level a shaman and a rogue. The two classes that I cannot stand while leveling and I finally have one of each class to max level.

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Was it intended for people to glitch through the floors and go straight to the end boss? Was it intended for a handful of people to get so OP they ruined it for anyone that didn’t take advantage of the farms?

The best part of remix was the first week, maybe two.

  1. Glitches happen. I’ve fallen onto the lower deck of the boat in SoO more times then I can count.
  2. In the first couple of days? No. But the upper limits on power were set up in a way that it meant that it was entirely possible and for a lot of players desirable.

Because here’s the thing: Remix isn’t classic. It’s a power gamey collectathon and that’s great because it’s a limited time event and gives us access to absurdly low drop items (as well as ones that are functionally inaccesible).

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I much prefer questing over dungeon running, but I’m at something like 11 remix alts now and leveling more for the fast leveling, mogs and mounts and I’m kind of ok when dungeons go super fast now. I’m also getting tired of of doing a lot of the quests, so I usually only do them while I’m waiting for scenarios and dungeons to pop up. If someone wants to blast through a dungeon super fast, then the faster I get the bronze and the achiev for completing it, and can move on to the next one and level, I’m ok with it in remix.

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Tf you playing remix for then? If you are trying to prepare yourself for TWW, go play dragonflight. The only way remix can help prepare you for TWW is by giving you a lot of max level characters.

The gameplay is not the same. The rotations are not the same. Max gear players dont even have to press any spells at all.

I noticed this too. After having done lfg for awhile, I decided to do it on remix and oh man I was like what is going on its go go go. Didn’t have time to pick up quests or do anything. So glad I am not a new player. But I guess it maybe ok for remix, retail is almost the same with the go go mindset.

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Yeah regular levelling dungeons are only marginally harder, which I also find annoying. If I could level up in m+ I’d be so happy, LOL

I’ve done a couple of dungeons, part of a raid, and a few scenarios… and the super over-powered player who slaughters everything before you even get a chance to pull out your weapon has gotten to me.

I wanted to do those activities because it was a fun way to collect bronze.
except I spent my time running after the OP player, and never getting to loot anything.
I even got to miss out on a couple of boss lots because the door closed in my face and I didn’t get to participate in the kill, or even get to enjoy watching it happen without me.


so I’m spending more time in Zereth Mortis and Korthia farming mounts and pets.

Too bad, they are actually going to replace your remix gear with standard gear once the event is over.

This is why blizzard needs to take a serious look at what worked in MOP remix and take that into retail, because I would say overall MOP was an crazy good success

Anyone and everyone can participate in all of the content and have a good time. But like you said, holding the W key and running while someone does everything isn’t fun.

They need to find that balance of constant character power progression (obviously nowhere near remix levels of power gain), as well as content easy enough to where the majority can complete it as opposed to just the top 1% no lifers who play the game like a full time job

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Just make another of that class in retail?

It only works because it’s limited to that mode and limited in time. I wouldn’t say no to more remixes, but it’s never gonna be a system that would work in retail.

What kind of cake would this be? Expiring minds want to know! I need snacks!


I sympathize, but it is what it is

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Expiring minds? Lol