I want the game to go back to being simpler

I got my DF season 1 mount in mythic+ and hated every minute of it. Now I never do anything more challenging than LFR or a +2 (just for vault chance at tier slot mog). Filthy casual.


I thought I enjoyed m+ until DF taught me that the developers are sadists.


By the time I get my gear to where it can be considered good I have stressed myself out. Then 2 days later the patch drops and I get to do it all over again. I had to teach myself to stop caring. So now I hunt mogs and rep and wander around doing whatever I want when I feel like it. Life has gotten much better because of it. I hope others find my path too before the vein on their heads pop.

I sadly see this lesson repeating in RL with the grind culture. We all need to realize the to stop worrying about life because no one gets out alive :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Gear grinds are a complex issue. It’s a lot like making money. Some people just enjoy making money. To them, losing it all and starting over again isn’t a big deal - since they enjoy making it so much. Some people want to keep it. Some enjoy spending it. Some a balance of all of these. The thing is, people change. Eventually, the things you enjoyed in the past may not thrill you so much.

At some point, you just want to keep your wealth and constantly having it be devalued or reset isn’t as entertaining as it once might have been.

Well, it’s the same way with gear resets. At some point, you want to feel rewarded and enjoy what you worked for.

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In an interview with morgan day (a lead game dev) he made a comment that LFR was the large majority of raiders. The game isnt mostly hardcore players and It never was. The lower levels of mythic+ need very little gear and pvp has always been the better geared players win.


Very true the majority of raiders are actually LFR raiders (yes devs have said this).

That data is incorrect. The majority of raiders are in heroic.

More than 60% of the playerbase raids with the majority being in heroic.

Also incorrect.

Do you think you can get up to M+11? If you can do lots of m+11 keys, you can get full 437 gear without any time-gating.you also get hero track (goes up to 441) gear in the vault.

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I eventually got Keymaster so I’m sure I can do upwards of a +20 if I try hard enough.

blizz hates healers is what i learned this expac

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They’re trying to slow players down now, I think they’re finally realizing that M+ gearing speed has undermined the game a lot, so they have been making M+ harder and more irritating to run.

The game’s reward system is just utterly broken, and the developers have trying to create time sinks to keep players engaged, instead of the old carrot that game has had for almost its entire existence, chasing gear.

The game is way too focused on seasonal play now, like an ARPG. It drives engagement I guess every 3–4 months, but it sucks for people that like to play MMOs the old way, where character progression was a lot slower.

The 4 difficulties of raiding has made power creep in gearing awful as well. The gear gap between players didn’t used to be this big, and the amount of ilevel inflation was a lot smaller per expansion.


Gonna be honest here, the game isnt about how good you actually are, but much time you wanna spend doing some activity.

You wanna get 3kio? You just gotta do keys all day, eventually you’ll get it

You wanna get Elite ? Spend all day queueing RSS


I mean sure I could get better as well as get carried, or just barely hit the timers of higher keys with players around my skill level.

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You’re really arguing that in the good old days we didn’t farm the same stuff over and over to get items then rinse/repeat when the next tier came out? Farm t4 > farm t5 > farm t6.

The difference now is the we have more levels of content with increasing rewards. If you want the old feel, just finish normal raid and dungeons bis and unsub till the next tier patch.

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Imma trust the devs over you my man.


no sorry, you lose? just saying no doesn’t make me wrong and you correct. Conquest beats honor gear. Always has

I dont care who you trust.


Tracking achievements shows the number of players with raid achievements is over 60%
Capslock has the actual data link.


a 2400 player in honor gear will beat 1600 player in conquest gear.

Skill > gear

The thing is, you can still do those things?

A big part of the problem is that the casual majority are happy and quiet. While the hardcore minority are extremely loud. So no matter what way blizzard leans someone is going to complain at them.

The balance they need to find is hard. But they have found it before. They just need to find that guy who keeps knocking them out of it and duck tape them to a chair and roll em out of the building.

This is the smallest it’s ever been rofl

What are you going on about dude, your takes are so full of it. Wrath was 187 to 284 for the entire expansion.

Vanilla was 60 to 92 ilevel

TBC was 95 to 164

DF started at 226 and what are we at now like 450 something.

The gear gap is huge now from the start of an expansion to the end. God, I get so tired of the responses on these forums from people who clearly didn’t play the game before MoP.

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