I want the game to go back to being simpler

I don’t know what to tell you. It is just simply a fact, that the game is the easiest its ever been to do mythic content and to gear up. I don’t know when it was ever this…“simple.” Like it’s literally all the crap you are asking for, you just don’t want to play it. You want it given to you for logging in, sounds like. I’m not being mean, I just am being direct with you. You sound like you are wanting the game to reward you simply for having a sub.

It does I get a trading post reward for playing every month.

Then you aren’t playing the game. Normal can get to 437.

Heroic to 441

Mythic to 447.

4 and 6 ilvl isn’t far

Been playing since BC. You do realize the gap is because there’s now two more difficulties that have to be accounted for right?

On top of the fact that the new seasons normal is last seasons mythic right?

So tired of people that think they have. A clue.

And just to further disprove that I “didnt play before MoP”



People have to be willing to use those 3 hours on wow.

SL ended at 304-311.
226 was intro to ZM gearing (S3 SL). Not a good measure to which DF started at.

DF normal dungeons at 70 gave 346, heroics 359, mythic 0 372.

We are nearing the end of season 2 and yes, 450 is the number… but you have lfr, normal, heroic, mythic raids to worry about. M+ +2 gives 402, a +20 gives 431… excluding vault rewards.

Dreamsurge catch up gear is 402 base, maxing at 424. A handful of +15’s can net a 447 very easily with bis stats.

This and people like feeling more powerful.

The gear gap argument is such a non issue with how easy it is to acquire all these things

OMG, your reading compression is so bad.

Still a huge disparity in gear. Having faster gearing is huge problem as well, it makes the developers create other time sinks to keep players playing, like Pathfinder for instance.

Your comprehension of game design is even worse.

It’s why I easily have proved every statement you made incorrect.

PS while gear levels may be farther off even entry level gear can be bought on the AH at 379 very easily.

That and catch up mechanics are extremely fast. If you’re behind it’s because you aren’t putting any effort in.

I want 4 button wrath sin mash i would raid again

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The fundamental truth is that WoW players by and large do not know what they want.

Classes get pruned? Players complain.

Classes get reworked to have more active abilities? Players complain.

Gearing is too easy in Legion and BFA? Okay, now gear is more sparse in 9.0, and players complain.

Not enough open-world content in WoD? Okay here are world quests, mage tower, world bosses, covenant sanctum minigames with cosmetics, open world mini-games like feast and dragonbanes keep, here are 50 mounts you can collect in Zerith Mortis, here are renown factions that give fun cosmetic rewards, here are dragonriding races. Players complain that there is nothing meaningful to do.

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In SL they gave you things to do for sure. In DF they gave you dragonriding and idk what else. Not sure what the feast is as I never did it. Renown is just the modern version of reputation which always awarded items that you got naturally. It’s just a bit better than reputation. The events like the keep and all of these world events do give you stuff but they are one and done once you get what you want.

The real question is is where are the features? We have dragonriding. We did have the vault but that apparenlty has been heavily nerfed and prob is going to be pointless in 10.2.

The vault hasn’t been nerfed.