I want the game to go back to being simpler

You can do mythic 2s, run your own keys, craft 408 items with whelps craft 424 with your crests. So many things you can do.


Lol haha


Oh, your post was sarcastic. Your impression of GD is so good I coulnt even tell.

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Not everyone has the same idea of whatā€™s fun as you though. The great thing about WOW is you can find the folks who do like what you do and have fun together, while others do their thing too.

As opposed to everyone spamming heroics for badges at peak wow popularity? Hard CC 3 mobs, kill one at a time, rinse, repeat.

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I feel the same way. Want the game to be a RPG again.


Ewww. This is one of my big problems with modern WoW. The chasing of item level as a thing. It used to be about cool new things. Not just slightly bigger numbers. It totally kills the enjoyment for many people when the biggest reason to log on is incrementally make some numbers bigger.

Which expansion of WoW was getting an ilvl improvement not the main focus?

Because for the life of me, I cant remember a single time the game wasnt built around getting slightly bigger numbers.


When it went from getting a particular item to simply upgrading items. Iā€™m not saying the pursuit of epics wasnā€™t always a thing. Iā€™m saying the nudging of items through currencies and such.

Badges (while loved) were ultimately a bad thing for the game.

Lets narrow it down.

When was getting an upgrade, a stronger itemā€¦specificallyā€¦not a major point in WoW?

In Vanilla. In TBC you wanted better gear. It was the cornerstone of the game.

Youā€™re not understanding my point.

Iā€™m saying that epics used to be something special. It was a named item youā€™d chase. If you got it, you remembered it. I still remember getting, ā€œThe Sun Eaterā€ after 3weeks of grinding heroic mech. Same for many of the things I got in TBC and Wrath.

The point is that it wasnā€™t just about the item level, it was cool. Performing better was almost a side effect of the item.

I feel no attachment to any gear Iā€™ve gotten since MoP, itā€™s just a number. Gear gets replaced with, ā€œBetterā€ gear that was some quest reward green or blue. It gets upgraded by doing world quests or simply opening a box.

Tryhard? Heroic? Lol. Heroic is the new normal. Hell this tier alone we had some of the easiest bosses with trash like Kazzara, Amalgamation, Zaqali, Rashok, and Magmorax

We still have chase items.

And guess what. That ā€œSun Eaterā€ was still eventually replaced by a green quest reward when the next expansion hit. You are only replacing your gear with green quest rewards on new expansions.

If I am not understanding your point its because you are saying one thing, but meaning another. For example. This is what you said.

You know those chase items you are talking about? People chased after them because they had larger power.

I have a huge attachment to my trinkets.

Iā€™m saying, ā€œItem levelā€ not items. Yes, I know many people didnā€™t seem to notice the transition, but going from things to numbers had an indelible affect on the gameā€™s development.

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Oh. So you get to just win on a technicality.

Because Item level didnt exist for us. Ok. I was making a comparable example. But that isnā€™t allowed. Because you are specifically only talking about the visible item level marker on items. Nothing else matters in the conversation.

The fact that gear still had a clear item level/progression system? Doesnt matter to you, because it didnt label itself ā€œitem levelā€ on its stat card.


You win my man.

This conversation is now useless.

It was never about getting a win. It was about making a point. That you chose to take issue with. Iā€™m sorry you donā€™t like that.

I was simply saying that the constant upgrade pressure with various badges, crest, do-flatchies that get obtained every patch is making the game less interesting for a lot of people.

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You are saying that because the term ā€œitem levelā€ exists, things are bad.

Because that was the cornerstone point of your statement being right. We are chasing item level. In the old days, we didnt chase item level. Because it didnt ā€œexistā€.

So the fact people still had ā€œpressureā€ to get upgrades (see your Sun Eater story)ā€¦that doesnt matter. Because you werent chasing ā€œitem levelā€. Because it didnt exist for us.

Youā€™re just choosing to be upset with my point of item levels vs. items. I get it. In your mind, the game has always just been about item level upgrades. But from a design perspective it was about entering content and getting specific things to tackle more content. Now itā€™s just about doing the same content for bigger item levels to do the same content. Etc. Etc.


I have a 437 monk with about 20 hours /played in DF.

The rate at which we acquired gear in those older expansions was so much slower. Gear was more scarce as well, which made a lot of items kind of unique and special.

The game today is more like Diablo, youā€™re showered in gear constantly, because the game is designed around 2-3 month play intervals like an action RPG.


Well, I can understand there is a gear blunt in the game, five different sets so far and upgrade tokens is a little too much even when the system is a good one . I guess they either didnā€™t think of it as that or they wanted to present more content even when most were the items are the same, yet I notice more options for secondary stats is not a bad idea.